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Hey guys, i see we've moved at last - hope everyone made it over ok!
I''ve just discovered we have free wi fi in the villa so here i am saying hello to you fair lot!

Weather is fab, food is disgustingly fattening but also fab.. only thing that i am not happy about is the BF's mother .. complains about every single little thing you can imagine, speaks to my BF and his Dad like shit then snarls at me when i refuse to do something she's demanded to do.. driving me up the bloody wall she is!

Anyway i needed to vent, so thank god i have this forum haha!

Its about 6pm here so will be going for tea in a bit, somewhere fit for Her Majesty hopefully (grrrrrrrrrrr!)

Hope you are all well! Back to normal about 1st Oct

Lots of love

MM xxx

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