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I intended to leave this thread until I saw this. I couldn`t give a shit about cinds and her "husband" If any of Cinds "friends" had started the same threads as carotino did, it would be taken as humour...just as he intended. But oh no the mob comes out and takes it purposefully wrong. That`s how they thrive..they love it..trouble. Now THAT`S pathetic!
Oh the irony!  Who is smack in the middle of every row Scotty?  No mob went after Carotino until he posted SEVERAL threads about Cinds husband.  Once again, the truth and facts seem to escape your notice.

Why would any of Cinds friends doubt her?  Why would they make numerous threads about her husband? 

What "mob"?  There are a handful of us posting in this thread.  Me, Trollop, Cinds, Gyps and her husband.  How is that a mob?  Or is it only a mob when it doesn't include you?
hahahahaha..reminds me of when me and my Brother got accused of being *one and the same* on C4 forums, then I got accused of not being *me*...FYI.."Allegra Moretti" pic and Brother, "Giovanni Moretti".on my FB.oh! we call him Jon..does that make him 2 people? ...Cinds nothing has changed at all with these peeps...just the targets..they are the *fakes*..  mind you mine made a *locked thread* in another claim to fame haha..does me good to pop in once in a while and see the same names in the middle of controversy time and time again...proves to me that I did the right thing for myself by breaking away from forum life...try it and see how blood pressure goes down, really! indeed it does...Adios..oops that is Spanish!..Freudian slip?.BTW..I never lurk without posting, that is just sooooooo fake hehe...oh and if anyone does type my name in FB and an avatar does not come up with a bagel dress means you are blocked...catch ya later Cinds, D and
Oh yes

It went like this.... Went to the Vets' for his booster jabs.. Vet spotted an inflammation at the top of his tail, called Stud Tail ( a condition common in un castrated male dogs), prescribed antibiotics.. these upset his digestive system so I had to take him out a lot (he hates doing 'it' in the garden) during one of these extra walks he cut his paw......  so.. in precis... he is limping because he still has his bollocks


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