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I didn't know my biological father till i was in my thirties, i was just splitting up from my husband, I was living alone for the first time. My mum dropped the bombshell. My dad wasn't my dad. As I was alone and mum said he, P still loved her after all these years I contacted him. He seemed nice, caring, wanted to catch up on all the years he'd missed. I stayed at his house, we drank alot, or I did, i woke up with him in my bed. Yes I've moved on, sort of, but i can't forgive or forget.
A woman, i know, it makes it more difficult to grasp. What some evil people will do for money.
For money?

I reckon we're going to see lots more women being caught and prosecuted for stuff like this in the future.  Technology is exposing these people: the ability to create pictures, store and forward them digitally, and contact like-minded people, together with the technology the police have to find the evidence on the digital media involved.  I've thought for a long time that women are under-reported in the abuse statistics, if you take away the stranger-abuse, and given their access the problem could be quite significant.
but i remember us havin a proper debate about it on one of the other sites we were on-people were saying we shouldnt judge her before we know the facts and how about that-the dirty mare was guilty all along
It wasn't about that, it was to do with the fact that naming her before the trial could have jeopardised the trial as her defence could have claimed that the jury had prejudged and claim the trial as being unfair, which could have resulted in her getting off with it.
Thank God the Office worker who opened up the emails did just that and reported them, at least they can be stopped and brought to justice...and hopefully flogged!!!! It's beyond comprehension....

Sick bastards...I hope they suffer sad and painful lives, i cannot put into words what I'd like to, I don't think there are words to describe how I feel after reading about this....they deserve nothing, twisted feckers....
The Devil In Diamante
And so what if her guilt has been recognised by the court now?  At the time of the arrest, when we didn't know the details and she hadn't been charged, she needed to be treated as a suspect just like anyone else when a crime is being investigated.  I'd argue now exactly the same as I did back then.  A pox on people heavily burdened with emotional-reasoning and armed with pitchforks.
all thru the news reports of this yesterday I had my brow furrowed. . I just couldn't get my head around it.. messing with babies!!  well kids of any kind..  shocking and sad for the parents of the kids affected in the nursery and those assaulted by the other 2 as well..

What also had my head in a spin was the fact they all met via FB!! ffs how on earth do you start a convo to find out if a 'friend' is a fellow peado in the first place..  it beggars belief
Mount Olympus *Olly*
What also had my head in a spin was the fact they all met via FB!! ffs how on earth do you start a convo to find out if a 'friend' is a fellow peado in the first place.. it beggars belie
That always baffles me Olly, if anyone started making sick suggestions to me, I'd report them in a do these people 'find' each other...bastards....
The Devil In Diamante
Lowon,I sympathize with your daughter same thing happened to me at that same age,but I quickly add not by my father but by a neighbour.You learn to deal with it in your own unique way,but it always has a way of raising it's ugly head when you least expect it to.It never really goes away.You certainly need an understanding partner in life which I am fortunate to have bless him.
This story makes me feel physically ill, how these animals are allowed off with any thing less than hanging is a mystery to be frank. In my 20 years and 11 months of existence I don't think I have ever came across a more sickening story. The Fantasy of the Allen woman about a man raping a child is truly repulsive. This story has angered me so much, God help them poor wee mites and their families. These beast have ruined their lives.

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