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The Publicists are laughing all the way to the bank between the lot of them.  I'd love to know the truth in all this I think it lies somewhere in the middle.
Same with Kerry Katona & every so angelic Brian.  He came home 2 weeks ago announcing that he was going to fight for custody of the girls if he could afford it.  He also said that Mark is a good father to the girls which was a surprise to me reading all the stuff in the papers.  
So things mustn't be that bad - he's gone back to Oz happy to leave them with her.  All bull to make money from TV and Newspapers.
Karma_ 2818 Forum Posts Today at 1:39 (Edited: ) Dwight's a prick. Andre's a saccharine prick who's starting to really annoy me with his 'I am not worthy' attitude whenever he talks about his friggin album (but in the same breath doesn't disguise the fact it's ALL about his ex missus). Sorry, but I'd love to snap his nice new halo and shove it up his rectum.

Yep yep yep!!! Totally agree! am so sick of st Peter

Dwight  moans that Katie wouldn't let Harvey spend the night with his mother.....for crying out loud, the kid didn't even know her and she wouldn't have learned all about his medication and care needs in such a short time.
It would have been totally irresponsible to leave Harvey there.
I am surprised it took him so long.

Katie Price is a nasty piece of work and needs to get her priorities right in her life and get her act together.  She is a grown woman and a mother and should stop acting like some slapper.  Dwight, don't know much about him except that he doesn't seem to have been there for his child, but that could be because of Katie.  He seems a right one though.

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