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Reference: lainy M
But Twee, is your club for both avvy drag dissenters and cut and paste abolishers.? What club can we avvy drag attempters and cut and paste achievers belong too
As you can see from the above quote, a name - your name - has been placed in the position beside 'reference'.  Not your avvy!  As a true member of the 'Can't drag, wont drag' Club, the members of said Club do not participate in 'cut and pasting of avvys'.  It is strictly forbidden.  This is an exclusive Club which only admits those who abstain (like my good self) from cut and paste .. a bit like birth control for true catholics if you will. 

Because Scotty has accepted the way of cut and paste, she is unfortunately automatically excluded from the Club by reason of her acceptance of this non-drag scenario.  Sorry Scotty   Rules is rules.  If we I allow one member to break the code of conduct, everyone will follow.  It leads to anarchy in the end. 
Twee Surgeon
Reference: Scotty
Twee what are you doing faffing reducing scrolling plonking? Copy and paste..simple Take this advice from professional
It's all very well for you 'professionals' to say faffing reducing scrolling plonking, copy and paste, simple.... and all that technical bumph you so professionally put it, but how do you get the bluddy quote and the bluddy avvy onto the same bluddy comment without bluddy reducing and bluddy faffing, and stuff?  Scotty, keep it simple.  I know you professionals tend to go into too much technical detail on things like this.  Please .. keep it simple.
Twee Surgeon
I would love it if someone started a daily tutorial type thread,so each day those that wanted could learn to do something new,one new thing to learn a day would give some of us arel chance to learn/improve,and put us on a more level playing field.And as this thread has proved can be fun while learning.There seems to be loads of different threads with people not sure how to do things,so to have a learning thread would keep it all together.
Just a thought
I would love it if someone started a daily tutorial type thread,so each day those that wanted could learn to do something new,one new thing to learn a day would give some of us arel chance to learn/improve,and put us on a more level playing field.And as this thread has proved can be fun while learning.There seems to be loads of different threads with people not sure how to do things,so to have a learning thread would keep it all together. Just a thought Maggiexx
I done one:
LainyM, you are a really good sport for allowing us to play about in your thread like this. 

Xoc, it is fun to learn new things, especially if you can have a laugh doing so.  Not one person has made me feel stupid, even tho I have asked the daftest questions ever.

Maggiep is right, it would be beneficial to us to have a thread where little problems can be ironed out in the comfort of a thread designated for same.
Twee Surgeon
Reference: lainy M
Did I not tell you that abstainers (like the catholic no birth control sort) will be asked to make a donation to the 'Cut and Paste Achievers Club'. Scotty will be coming around shortly with the collection plate.
Just like the catholics to bring round a collection plate. 

If Scotty comes round to my door collecting, I will tell her to cut and paste alright.  Cut off and paste off, or summat similar. 

Seriously tho lainy, I admire those who cut and paste.  It's just not for me.  It's too long-winded and faffy.   You cannot do it in one easy motion, or can you?  

Hyper has started a thread for numpties like me.  I will pick his/her brains and come out as a true professional (like Scotty), ready to give lessons to other less informed FMs.  But don't hold your breath .. I may be gone some time
Twee Surgeon
It's all very well for you 'professionals' to say faffing reducing scrolling plonking, copy and paste, simple.... and all that technical bumph you so professionally put it, but how do you get the bluddy quote and the bluddy avvy onto the same bluddy comment without bluddy reducing and bluddy faffing, and stuff? Scotty, keep it simple. I know you professionals tend to go into too much technical detail on things like this. Please .. keep it simple.
Bluddy hell..keep the bluddy heid

Right click on avvy..left click..copy

Go to reference:

Right click.paste.

No charge
Reference: scotty
Twee, I, as a founder member of the "can`t drag, won`t drag Club" should have been consulted on the no cut and past avvy rule before being unceremoniously chucked oot like an auld rotten name only reference person you.
Scotty, rules is rules.  If you refer back to the No Avvy Cutting and Pasting Manual, page 110, item 4(b) you will clearly see that this is a main stipulation in the rules.

I agree, it was unkind of me to just chuck you out on yer ear like that, but I used you as an example to the others.  Dissenters will not be tolerated, and now everyone knows the rules.  I am sorry you happened to be the scapegoat in this particular instance. 
Twee Surgeon
Bluddy hell..keep the bluddy heid Right click on avvy..left click..copy Go to reference: Right click.paste. No charge
OMG Scotty, I have a huge apology to make to you.  I am on me knees begging for forgiveness.  I was doing it all wrong.  What am I like, eh?  It was all the fault of my mouse you see.  Right click, left click, et al.  Look above  ^^^^^  your avvy is there. 

If I could remove all my posts about this, I would.  You explained perfectly, at no extra charge, how to do it in one easy motion.  I will apologise instead for not being au fait with the use of my mouse.  Let's blame the mouse Scotty
Twee Surgeon
Scotty, I have wound up the 'Cant drag, wont drag' Club.  I now know how to cut and paste avvys, thanks to your good self.  No hard feelings I hope about getting turfed out of the Club on yer ear.  It was a short-lived Club with only one member anyway .. yours truly .. who can't use her mouse properly.

Lainy can put the collection plate away.  Panic over ...
Twee Surgeon
Scotty, rules is rules. If you refer back to the No Avvy Cutting and Pasting Manual, page 110, item 4(b) you will clearly see that this is a main stipulation in the rules. I agree, it was unkind of me to just chuck you out on yer ear like that, but I used you as an example to the others. Dissenters will not be tolerated, and now everyone knows the rules. I am sorry you happened to be the scapegoat in this particular instance.
And now this insult, but I bear no grudges.

My only wish now is that you learn how to drag avvys, cut and paste avvys, find it easy peasy, love it, but have to stick to the name thingy `cause you said you would.

Ahaha! I`ve just read above. I was right! And so Twee comes crawling back... Get down on your bended knees and kiss my wellies!
Do I have to crawl forever for my oversight?  Is there no forgiveness in your Scottish heart for an Irish person on bended knee?  Think of the Celtic/Gaelic connection and find it within yourself to overlook these quirks of nature (my not being able to use my mouse, etc). 

Kissing wellies is not my thing Scotty.  You seem to drive a hard bargain.  If I say I love Scotland, and our favourite painting of Rev Walker skating, and kilts and things, can I be let off the wellie-kissing?  If only for old times sake.

btw, your sharp pointed (but lovely) instructions on how to cut/paste avvys, and quote at the same time, were invaluable.  I intend to use your instructions as my mantra from now on.  Can I take this opportunity of thanking you for your patience?

*have I done enough crawling yet*
Twee Surgeon
Reference:  skylark
nope i didnt do it, was trying to do what Twee did and failed miserably !! i.e quoting and putting avatar in post , will keep trying. This forum is hard work, we were spoilt before, werent we lol
Scotty took the hard sharp approach to explaining how to cut and paste avvys, and it seemed to have the desired effect on me after reams and reams of dissenting posts, refusing to cut and paste.  She is a good teacher, albeit a bit tough in her approach to learners 

All you have to do is right click your mouse over anyone's avvy (who you want to quote), and then highlight the text.  When the comments box is opened, the quoted text will appear.  Just above that quoted box there is a word 'reference'.  Position your cursor alonside 'reference' and right click your mouse and the 'paste' option will appear.  Click paste, and the avvy will appear automatically then.  Good luck.
Twee Surgeon

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