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I was going to suggest chocolate bars as well a lot are still available but a few have gornnnnnn Fry's five centre fruit chocolate bar ? dont know if this is still available but I quite liked this one Marathan is now Snickers ......... why did we need a name change ?

There's an Oil Company called Marathon  - maybe that had something to do with it MrsH
I can imagine  should put a warning on the packet really

OH is a diabetic and at first you try to go by the book and do things properly but thankfully we have friends who nurse and they advised dont buy diabetic products the only good you are doing is lining the shops tills - stick with sugar free and you are ok 

I bet that chockie bar was expensive too
it is getting easier to be diabetic than it was years ago,but seems to be on the increase,which is very worrying.
yes it is on the increase and I do think some could be avoided if they controlled their intake a bit more - not all can do this I know but it is interesting sitting in diabetic clinics and listening and you so want to say things to help them - 20 years down the road we are still learning to live with it - the learning never stops I dont think
we used to help run the monthly school disco and I used to be in charge of buying the supplies

first things to sell were always the Flying saucers and Love hearts 

[ this was for age groups 5 -11 ]  was so funny watching the very little boys open the love hearts to find the I Love You ones and give to the very little girlies ahhhhhhhhh  so sweet
Ohh MRsH I haven't read the whole thread (sorry, will come back later and do that) for now I'll just tell you the ones I remember..

Flying saucers,
Black Jacks and fruit salads.
Everton Mints
Gob Stoppers
Pineapple chunks (me too)
swizzle sticks
and sherbert dips . (when you used to get a liquorice stick poking out of the tube not a lolly pop, though it always looked like a straight bananna to me, or a stick of dynamite,

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