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Yep! I taught Mr Leccy well...he does lovely eggs now...and Gypsie (in a round about way-due to a thread I once read out to him) taught him how to fry the perfect egg too. We now call them "Gypsie eggs"

Can't remeber the thread for fried eggs, did Gypsie do em in vodka  I've seen her jam, now spill about the fried eggs
Hahaha! That av looks like you! It's that Anne lass innit? Blimey you look like her, I just noticed. Well if you had long hair and wore too much make up.
Its totally me Yes, it is her I put it on as a joke cos Lolly and Karma kept saying I looked like her - but I dont think either of them have notice

What is Gypsie's method for the perfect fried egg then?
ooooh I really fancy a soft boiled egg and soldiers,followed by an Ilfacombe cream scone,preferably with Gypsies blackberry jam on, well must go to bed now, and dream of breakfast
Night Mary!

Don't eat the pillow

Gypsie is the one to ask about the eggs, but the gist was not to have the oil too hot as it makes them bubble and crisp...and you don't want a crispy egg!...I don't cook anymore ( I used to be quite good too) so that part of my brain is now filled with remembering what I want Mr L to cook again.  But yeah, Gyps eggs are lush...especially on a nice thick slice of toast.
Is it the Widdecombe? I can't see the av.
Noooo. But (and this is true, me and Saz had a proper personal convo this week about me and the Widdecombe getting jiggy...I can't even elaborate because the more I type the worse I look)  Saz is a babe...we look like the number 10 stood next to each other.  Or 18 if I wear a belt.
Noooo. But (and this is true, me and Saz had a proper personal convo this week about me and the Widdecombe getting jiggy...I can't even elaborate because the more I type the worse I look) Saz is a babe...we look like the number 10 stood next to each other. Or 18 if I wear a belt.
Oh my!

I've got to go to bed now. If I have bad dreams, it's your fault!

(Not about you, but about you and Widders, I mean )

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