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DAY 71


Most of the housemates are in the living room. Last night, Bea and Marcus had an argument which was overheard by housemates.

Bea bids most of her fellow housemates good morning with a kiss and thanks Charlie for "standing up for me" during the row with Marcus. David and Lisa are unsure what happened, David proclaims: "I thought I was dreaming." Bea relays most of what was said between her and Marcus adding: "I was in floods of tears."

Halfwit and Marcus are in the bedroom. He tells Marcus that he is okay but could do with more sleep. He adds: "I need to speak to Charlie, he's had five hours of 'Freddie is a c**k.' from Bea. Marcus advises: "instead of talking with him, why don't you try and do a nice activity with him." Halfwit adds that Lisa and David "must be loving this," adding: "Bea is drowning in her own negativity."

In the living room, Bea tells housemates that during the argument, she doesn't know who was worse: "Marcus for saying it, or (referring to Halfwit) that spiteful little maggot lying in his bed giggling!"

Halfwit walks through to the garden and the gathered housemates are silent as Bea continues to air her views.


In the living room, Charlie and Halfwit are at the dining table. Halfwit suggests they do some face painting a bit later. Charlie looks pleased: "Yes definitely."

As housemates passed this week's shopping task Big Brother told housemates they would be rewarded with special prizes. Marcus is in the Diary Room receiving his special prize from Big Brother. He is informed that since his complaint about his press photo he has one hour to take a new one to take new publicity shots. He is also given a sack of fan mail, containing 3 letters. Big Brother tells him that once Marcus has taken a new shot and returned the camera to the Diary Room, Big Brother will create autograph cards for him to send to his fans. Marcus bursts out laughing.

Marcus comes in to the living room and announces "I've got fan mail." Housemates gather round him excitedly and follow him into the bedroom. He explains to housemates: "I thought I'd only have two letters," and tells them about his special prize. Housemates read over Marcus' shoulder and Siavash and Charlie scream with laughter when they realise one letter has been written by a man. Dogface reads some of the favourable comments one fan has sent and asks: "Is this person blind?"


Marcus, Charlie, Dogface and Rodrigo are in the garden. Charlie is taking pictures of Marcus using the camera that Big Brother provided earlier.

Halfwit is in the Diary Room. Big Brother asks him how he is feeling, Halfwit replies that he is feeling "better and better as the days go in." He says that he has got his head together following a relaxing morning. Halfwit says that he "fairly" understands the way "Bea is acting." He continues, "Her fear of the unknown, being up for eviction has outweighed her affection for me." Halfwit says that he would like to make up with Bea "but would never let her get that close to me again." He says that as his positive thoughts return, he's gradually moving on from thinking of Bea as a "f**king b***h to thinking of her as a sad little girl."


Marcus is by the pool. Siavash is in the sitting room. Some of the housemates are in the living room. Halfwit walks thought the living room and into the garden carrying a cup of tea. David says that Halfwit is "Guarding that tea with is life, let's hide it from him." Dogface and Bea agree and run into the bedroom. They think of various places and decide on Lisa's drawer.

They return to the living area and Bea tells them that Halfwit has the chocolate chai tea in his pocket. Dogface asks if Halfwit knows that Bea likes that particular tea and Bea nods. David tells them that "it would have been nice to have been offered a cup" and brands Halfwit a Selfish Sarah!"


Halfwit and Siavash are in the sitting room talking about Bea. Big brother has called David to the Diary Room.

David tells Big Brother that "things are good" in the house and has advised Bea to ignore the people she doesn't get on with. Big Brother asks David what he intended by hiding Halfwit's tea. "It was just "a practical joke," replies David. Big Brother then asks David how their actions may affect Halfwit. He tells Big Brother that Halfwit doesn't seem to be "his self," adding "I don't think it's got anything to do with me personally but has something to do with Bea." David reflects for a moments and tells Big Brother that Halfwit may not "see the funny side" and would probably be "upset." David quickly comes to the conclusion he must return Halfwit's tea.

David exits the Diary Room and Bea asks him what has happened. David is reluctant to discuss it and tells her that he is putting the tea back and was advised to consider Halfwit's feelings. Lisa notices that the tea was hidden by her bed, and questions this. However, Bea is more concerned about herself and accuses Big Brother of "safeguarding Freddie's feelings." Bea says that Halfwit should have been "dragged" into the Diary Room for "laughing at someone whose crying" last night.

6.15 pm

Big Brother has delivered this week's shopping. As part of this week's shopping, housemates ordered a mystery prize. They have been given a space hopper.

Housemates happily unpack the store room.

In the bedroom, Lisa talks quietly to David and advises him: "'Be careful," in reference to his alliance with Bea. Lisa tries to warn David not to get "involved" with the Bea and Halfwit conflict. David feigns ignorance, but Lisa persists in advising him that he should stay well out of the situation: "I'm just telling you, leave them to it."

In the garden Bea has a bounce on the space hopper, and notices David's mood has changed. "Don't be glum. Have a go on this." Despite Bea's efforts, David is reluctant to admit to being upset.

7.26 pm

Big Brother has called Charlie to the Diary Room.

Charlie receives his special prize of a half hour of Girls Aloud music played into the Diary Room. He claps and beams: "I'm so happy." The set list starts with Love Machine and Charlie dances in the Diary Room chair.

Siavash is in the shower. Earlier today Big Brother gave Siavash a suitcase containing extra clothes as his special prize.

Lisa received her special prize of a huge amount of tobacco, a variety of rolling papers and a brand new lighter. The other housemates will receive their prizes over the next few days.

In the living area, Bea asks Halfwits whereabouts. Dogface gives a blasΓ© response: "Who cares". Halfwit emerges from the toilet in the living area and Dogface panics, thinking that Halfwit heard her comment adding: "I was only joking."

Halfwit joins the group who are discussing their special prizes. As he sits down, Bea's face drops.


Halfwit is in the bedroom. Most of the housemates are in the living room. Bea and David are at the bus stop talking about Halfwit.

Bea says that she doesn't like the "bad atmosphere" in the house but Halfwit is "getting on her nerves." David brings up the tea incident and explains "I know what's wrong and what's right," hence his decision to return it. Bea tells him that Halfwit wouldn't have the tea if she hadn't decided to keep it.


Earlier today, for his special prize, Marcus was given fan mail and a camera to take a new publicity photo of himself. Big Brother has called Marcus into the Diary Room to sign his autograph cards and write replies to his three fans.

Marcus completes one autograph and shows Big Brother. Moving onto the second he says: "These two idiots don't have any names."

Some of the housemates are at the bus stop. Bea is talking about her local pub. Lisa, David and Halfwit are present and David complains about the loud music in pubs. David and Lisa return to the house leaving Bea and Halfwit alone. Halfwit explains to Bea how loud music in pubs is a clever device engineered to ensure that customers are drinking rather than talking. The conversation flows and Bea asks how Halfwit might pick up a woman at a pub. He tells a story about how he once chatted up a woman with talk of salad. Bea looks unimpressed.


Marcus is in the Diary Room. He reads his reply to the fan mail out to Big Brother.

Some of the housemates are in the living room enjoying themselves by playing catch with the new space hopper.

Bea, David and Lisa are in the bedroom. Bea is keeping a close eye on the game of catch through the glassed wall. Bea tells housemates not to play in the living room.

In the living room Bea tries to put housemates off the game by telling them they may lose the space hopper privilege. Halfwit responds with whinging noises and continues the game.

Bea re-enters the bedroom and complains to David and Lisa about the exchange. David suggests that Halfwit is "genuinely trying" but Bea dismisses him. She feels any of the good work done by their earlier chat has now been undone: "one step forward and two steps back," she states. Bea says that what she feels like doing is joining in the game, especially to "throw the space hopper in Freddie's face."

Housemates have moved the space hopper game into the garden. Halfwit realises that the pool is warm and decides to jump in then races off to get changed.

In the bedroom, Bea demands that Lisa and David join her for a cigarette. Halfwit comes rushing in to grab his swimming shorts. Bea comments bitchily: "Freddie, it's too late for Friday's eviction," Halfwit does not respond.

11.47 pm

Some of the housemates are in the garden. Bea asks Lisa to bet on who she thinks will go, but Lisa says that it's too close to call. David, Siavash and Halfwit are in the bedroom.

Halfwit is in a good mood after the fun of the evening and he and Siavash share a pre bed hug. Halfwit and David chat and Halfwit says that he is "feeling much better." He continues: "I haven't been living over the last three days but from now I will,"whether in the house, or outside of it should he be evicted. David praises him on this positivity adding: "I hope you stay mate."


Most of the housemates are in the bedroom. From bed, Dogface and Rodrigo yell to Halfwit that they love him, he replies sleepily that he also loves them with his signature 'sexy voice'.

Lisa and Marcus are in the garden. Marcus is in the pool, he tells Lisa that he wants to go. Lisa can't understand this logic and tells him that he "puts on a hard front, but you've got a softer side." She mentions that he has called housemates all the names under the sun and "probably offended all of the viewers," but thinks that Marcus is "protecting" himself because of something that's happened in his past adding: "I bet there's another side to f**king w***king Marcus."

Marcus is touched at Lisa's honesty and says it is rare for someone to "just come out and say stuff." Lisa goes in for a hand shake, but Marcus gives her a full, wet hug from the pool. Lisa bids him goodnight and returns to the house.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Interesting! I did catch some of Lisa and Marcus's chat on LF last night - does she think getting matey with him now is a good idea, because he's staying? Confused

I did see her having a nice chat the other night, too, about how her gran didn't like her skinhead, and how the other oldies at her care home asked if Lisa was her grandson Big Grin

Bea's not coming across in a very good light, is she? ~sniggers~

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