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ok i past my driving test about a year and half ago. since then i have been driving regulary - to school , work , nites out etc.
however , i always dread having to do it and worry about it.

Tomorrow , im going for a meal with friends to celebrate one of their birthdays. on wednesday , we went out and my best friend drove me so i said ill drive on saturday ( tomorrow). i instantly regret it as im taking her bf as well so will have to go a different way , not the way i know.

it really gets me down feeling like is. i feel sick just thinking about it Frowner

any suggestions to help me?

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Originally posted by Chicken Chow Mein:
ok i past my driving test about a year and half ago. since then i have been driving regulary - to school , work , nites out etc.
however , i always dread having to do it and worry about it.

Tomorrow , im going for a meal with friends to celebrate one of their birthdays. on wednesday , we went out and my best friend drove me so i said ill drive on saturday ( tomorrow). i instantly regret it as im taking her bf as well so will have to go a different way , not the way i know.

it really gets me down feeling like is. i feel sick just thinking about it Frowner

any suggestions to help me?

What exactly bothers you if you don't mind me asking, the actual thought of being on the road or the thought of taking a different route. If it's the second one, could you not have a "dry run" at the route tonight, quietly on your own so as you feel more confident.

If you just don't like driving, I honestly don't know, personally me I love driving, see it as the best thing I ever learnt and am pee'd off because the tablets I'm currently one, I can't drive.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
((((CHOWWWWWWWWW!!!!))) Hug I can't drive so no real advice but just wanted to say hello Big Grin

Maybe if you get out in the car more and just drive around you'll feel less and less nervous each time? Also try google maps to plan your route and just take your time and if you panic then pull over and try to compose yourself....I'm sure you'll not need to though coz you'll be fine!

I started lessons a few years ago when I was pregnant and had a 3 week break inbetween to have the baby so when I went back out I thought I would be fine but I was so tired and couldn't conentrate that I ended up giving up after around 25 lessons Disappointed I didn't seem to be progressing at all and the tutor basically gave up on me too so it knocked my confidence. I haven't tried to learn again but may do soon Thumbs Up
If the problem is based in being uncomfortable on new routes you could invest in a sat nav. You could maybe do a dry run before the evening so you know exactly where you are going and you can relax.

If it's just a general concern and you can't pin point it to that, I think there are some places for nervous drivers... they teach you some advanced driving, get you on skid pans, show you how and why the car works the way it does and increase your confidence in handling the car.. etc

But you're a fairly new driver.. time and lots and lots of driving in different conditions will build your confidence I'm sure..
I know what you mean, I didn’t pass my test until the 5th attempt in 1986, that was the last time I drove a car. I believe the world is a safer place without me behind the wheel. Wish I’d never learnt to drive, because now I’m a bad passenger, I have my imaginary brakes, my hands on the ceiling and can spot a cyclist 3 miles away, I’m worse than Hyacinth Bucket. Ninja
The best thing to do is pick a destination, that is a fair way away and somewhere you haven't been and head there. Doing the journey there and back may be nerve-racking but should give you the confidence to drive around your area, even down roads you don't usually use. Smiler

Now since I've given you such excellent advice, I feel you should start liking Bea and join our Brigade Nod
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
I know what you mean, I didn’t pass my test until the 5th attempt in 1986, that was the last time I drove a car. I believe the world is a safer place without me behind the wheel. Wish I’d never learnt to drive, because now I’m a bad passenger, I have my imaginary brakes, my hands on the ceiling and can spot a cyclist 3 miles away, I’m worse than Hyacinth Bucket. Ninja

I driven for many years, yet have never found a car that has a decent set of brakes on the passenger side.
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
I know what you mean, I didn’t pass my test until the 5th attempt in 1986, that was the last time I drove a car. I believe the world is a safer place without me behind the wheel. Wish I’d never learnt to drive, because now I’m a bad passenger, I have my imaginary brakes, my hands on the ceiling and can spot a cyclist 3 miles away, I’m worse than Hyacinth Bucket. Ninja

I am like that as well, the passenger bit because I love driving.

My husband drives for his living, and to be fair he is a very good driver, but when we are out together, I am constantly driving for him and he has been know to stop the car and ask me if I want to drive!! He also says that there is no brake in the passenger footwell, as every time he brakes, I brake as well, yet when I drive he just sits there! When I ask him why, he says because you are such a good driver - for a woman!!

I passed my test in '86 as well, in December.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by Cagney:
My OH worries about driving. He says it's other drivers though. He worries about other people driving badly and him being in an accident because of them. I do most of the driving but I love it.

I agree about taking an advanced driving course. I think it would boost your confidence.

Every time I go out in the car, my husband says be careful, I said I always am, he says but all the other idiots on the road aren't.

Some of the stories he tells me about other drivers when he is out and about would make your hair curl!!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Originally posted by Cagney:
My OH worries about driving. He says it's other drivers though. He worries about other people driving badly and him being in an accident because of them. I do most of the driving but I love it.

I agree about taking an advanced driving course. I think it would boost your confidence.

Every time I go out in the car, my husband says be careful, I said I always am, he says but all the other idiots on the road aren't.

Some of the stories he tells me about other drivers when he is out and about would make your hair curl!!

I'm the most critical driver. I hate bad drivers. I scream at them....although they can't hear me Big Grin

Indicators are my bug bear though......they aren't on the car for decoration Mad
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Originally posted by Cagney:
My OH worries about driving. He says it's other drivers though. He worries about other people driving badly and him being in an accident because of them. I do most of the driving but I love it.

I agree about taking an advanced driving course. I think it would boost your confidence.

Every time I go out in the car, my husband says be careful, I said I always am, he says but all the other idiots on the road aren't.

Some of the stories he tells me about other drivers when he is out and about would make your hair curl!!

I'm the most critical driver. I hate bad drivers. I scream at them....although they can't hear me Big Grin

Indicators are my bug bear though......they aren't on the car for decoration Mad

Indicators are mine too, I tend to scream at people when they don't use them, or the idiots that like to drive practically inside my boot, or the idiots who think because I am a woman driving a small car, they can pull out in front of me.. Mad

And breathe..
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
i was like that when i first passed.

First up either use your sat nav or google maps to really study routes, so you know before hand about which lane you need to be in, any 1 way systems etc this will really help you get a mental picture of the journey. second it may sound like herbal junk but rescue remedy really works, take quite a few drops and you will calm down a bit. Thirdly don't feel embarrassed, most people remember that nervous feeling and will be more understanding if you have a bit of a joke about it before hand.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Oh and for a tip for the future buy an automatic if you can, made driving an absolute pleasure for me.
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:

Indicators are mine too, I tend to scream at people when they don't use them, or the idiots that like to drive practically inside my boot, or the idiots who think because I am a woman driving a small car, they can pull out in front of me.. Mad

And breathe..


Everyone who gets in the car with me now knows to give the standard answer "OMG yes" when I shout "DID YOU SEE THAT T**T?". Otherwise I go into full rant mode Big Grin

I'm surprised most people on the road have passed thier tests to be honest. You'd never know it the way they drive Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:

Indicators are mine too, I tend to scream at people when they don't use them, or the idiots that like to drive practically inside my boot, or the idiots who think because I am a woman driving a small car, they can pull out in front of me.. Mad

And breathe..


Everyone who gets in the car with me now knows to give the standard answer "OMG yes" when I shout "DID YOU SEE THAT T**T?". Otherwise I go into full rant mode Big Grin

I'm surprised most people on the road have passed thier tests to be honest. You'd never know it the way they drive Roll Eyes

Tell me about it..
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
I used to drive a lot of miles commuting 750 miles a week. Ive got the ranting out of my system. I came to realise how bad my driving got when I lost my temper. I had my eureka moment after witnessing a drivers mistake indirectly causing an accident between two cars two miles away neither of whom witnessed what lead to their demise or the chain of events that led up to it where consecutive drivers got angry at each other and lost their heads.

I am a much better driver for it. It took a long time to get there though.

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