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A lot of peeps on here are hoping that there's a noms twist next week and so I was wondering which of the twists that we've seen in the past BBs would be the best to resurrect at this point.

Personally I'm going for the one that got Vanessa out - the public spend the week voting for who they want out and then the HMs have to say out loud who out of the two they'd like to go.

I reckon it'd be between Lisa and Bea and would be great viewing to build up to the final week!

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Originally posted by rusticana:
I reckon it'd be between Lisa and Bea and would be great viewing to build up to the final week!

Is that a joke, is it, is it ???

Umm, no?

That's what I'm guessing by the feeling on the forum and by the odds etc. But it is an educated estimate and I feel it's the likely outcome.

I'm not saying I'm right and that Bea and Lisa would definitely be up in the slightest.
I would say have a series of trials of Hercules style tasks to win immunity (rather than anyone nominating) but the fact is the tasks have been rubbish so far.

They need something where each HM draws a number or colour from a hat so as to be paired up. They then compete against this other person for the right to not be up. Do it so that the other HM's watch from the living room as the tasks take place in the garden. Imagine Fred v Charlie doing one of those Krypton factor style build a shape from blocks within a time limit or Lisa screwing over David trying to score higher on Horseshoes or lawn-darts.

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