David was submerged in a bubble bath this morning, wearing just a pair of very small cream pants, when he had a shocking realisation.
He was complaining to Dogface, who was bikini-clad and showering, about being awoken in the night be the persistent arguing of Marcus, Halfwit and Bea.
"The men this year have been more bitchy than the women!" he exclaimed.
It was quite a claim. And as if to prove the point, he proceeded to snipe about various housemates, starting with "the men", Marcus and Halfwit.
"How many times in the last week have we heard them use the word 'negative'?" he demanded.
Dogface nodded in recognition, although she didn't have a specific number for him.
"Thousands!" David informed her. "I'm sick of it. They're grown men. It's just immature."
"Drama, drama, drama," said Dogface diplomatically.
David was out of the bath by now and had Bea in his sights.
"I don't want to listen to her today," he told Dogface. "She does it to herself."
David replaced his pants with a peach towel and moved into the Kitchen to make some toast. He continued his rant about House negativity, this time for the benefit as Lisa.
"If you don't like someone, just don't talk to them," he moaned, before spluttering: "Oh ****, I've got apricot jam and I don't like it."
"Someone might swap it with you," suggested Lisa optimistically.
But no one did.
David was submerged in a bubble bath this morning, wearing just a pair of very small cream pants, when he had a shocking realisation.
He was complaining to Dogface, who was bikini-clad and showering, about being awoken in the night be the persistent arguing of Marcus, Halfwit and Bea.
"The men this year have been more bitchy than the women!" he exclaimed.
It was quite a claim. And as if to prove the point, he proceeded to snipe about various housemates, starting with "the men", Marcus and Halfwit.
"How many times in the last week have we heard them use the word 'negative'?" he demanded.
Dogface nodded in recognition, although she didn't have a specific number for him.
"Thousands!" David informed her. "I'm sick of it. They're grown men. It's just immature."
"Drama, drama, drama," said Dogface diplomatically.
David was out of the bath by now and had Bea in his sights.
"I don't want to listen to her today," he told Dogface. "She does it to herself."
David replaced his pants with a peach towel and moved into the Kitchen to make some toast. He continued his rant about House negativity, this time for the benefit as Lisa.
"If you don't like someone, just don't talk to them," he moaned, before spluttering: "Oh ****, I've got apricot jam and I don't like it."
"Someone might swap it with you," suggested Lisa optimistically.
But no one did.