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Originally posted by Blizzie:
He really does talk twaddle! Glance

Oh come one now mate. Seriously, can you not see he is telling her the truth and actually trying to tell her without it turning in to another argument. All the while she is ignoring what he is saying and trying to constantly look towards Charlie for back up because she knows she is being Pwned!

I know you dislike him immensly, but surely you can see that?
Originally posted by langster:

Oh come one now mate. Seriously, can you not see he is telling her the truth and actually trying to tell her without it turning in to another argument. All the while she is ignoring what he is saying and trying to constantly look towards Charlie for back up because she knows she is being Pwned!

I know you dislike him immensly, but surely you can see that?

I can't stand Bea, and I couldn't stand Noirin, but I can see what he does to people.

Constantly pointing out people's faults, while never claiming any for himself, and giving them his wisdom and advice, which is shit! Glance
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by langster:
Constantly pointing out people's faults, while never claiming any for himself

And I really like him and I agree that is his BIGGEST fault. For sure. But he is often spot on with his observations and he was 100% right tonight. Imho.

But then so was she. Glance

Well then we agree to disagree innit Big Grin
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
yeah AND Marcus was a disgusting thief the other night because he held onto a pack of COMMUNAL fags....SHE just stole from fred and sat n LAUGHED ABOUT IT,....holds hand up to ear...........hmmm NOTHING, am I supprised,? Shake Head
Go for it, OHG!

'Just go away, and let me just be with people who are positive and haven't judged me'

*you lot are lucky that I can type at at least 60 wpm*

She talks a pile of shite. Lights the touchpaper and watches the bombfire go up!

She ONLY has influence with those with IQs of 50 or below, and there's no magic there Roll Eyes

Anyone who managed to at least get a GCSE in woodwork - saw through her about 2 weeks back Sausage

She has the NERVE to talk about 'negativity' when there has NEVER been such a negative vibe in the gaff, since she joined!

She's fooking deluded, mad, nasty, fooked-up and generally STARK STARING BONKERS!
Originally posted by Videostar:
I dont care what anyone says, Marcus owned her tonight and he is a legend of BB10.

I agree 100%

He has his faults, too many to mention, but he has provided honesty, some serious insight, great observations, humour, anarchy, honesty, hilarity and complete stupidity.

He should win, but Freddie has to stay after all this. She has to leave before Freddie and she has to go up against Freddie as well. She also needs to realise she is nothing special, quite ordinary at best and learn that she can't treat people or manipulate people like she does. And she needs a slap or a thousand.

I don't know why I am worried, she is gonna get it soooooooooooo bad when she leaves the house fo sho!
I am gutted that the best two HM's are up this week
but after watching ALL the LF again tonight
[~and still am on E4+I now~watching the last hour again ~and am up to where Marcus buzzes the DR ~originally an hour ago~at 5-03am ~while Freddie is still in there]

I have for the first time ~decided
He really is a MOST deserving winner ~without Clapping doubt

He is MY WINNER ~ and stuff like that
cos he really is rather amazing comes Freddie out of the DR ~to chat to Marcus
Originally posted by langster:
Constantly pointing out people's faults, while never claiming any for himself

And I really like him and I agree that is his BIGGEST fault. For sure. But he is often spot on with his observations and he was 100% right tonight. Imho.

I didn't see it, but if he got her told then way to go Marcus Thumbs Up

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