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Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
didn't see the row, not a fan of either bea or freddie. in fact i dont even watch it now tbh (except the eviction lol).

but just cos someone was really upset one day...doesn't mean they have to be the next day, or indeed any other day. even if he had deep depression there would be good days and bad days and to be wouldn't know how someone feels just by looking at them. not everyone is an open book. most people put on a front.

as i said, i'm not a fan of freddie Wink i certainly couldn't live with him. and i dont know what went on.

i'm just speaking in general Wink god knows i've had times where i've hyperventilated through being so upset...but seemed fine the next day.
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
didn't see the row, not a fan of either bea or freddie. in fact i dont even watch it now tbh (except the eviction lol).

but just cos someone was really upset one day...doesn't mean they have to be the next day, or indeed any other day. even if he had deep depression there would be good days and bad days and to be wouldn't know how someone feels just by looking at them. not everyone is an open book. most people put on a front.

as i said, i'm not a fan of freddie Wink i certainly couldn't live with him. and i dont know what went on.

i'm just speaking in general Wink god knows i've had times where i've hyperventilated through being so upset...but seemed fine the next day.

my point was more abut the hyperbole used on this forum last night, and how it has been shown today be an hysterical over reaction.
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
didn't see the row, not a fan of either bea or freddie. in fact i dont even watch it now tbh (except the eviction lol).

but just cos someone was really upset one day...doesn't mean they have to be the next day, or indeed any other day. even if he had deep depression there would be good days and bad days and to be wouldn't know how someone feels just by looking at them. not everyone is an open book. most people put on a front.

as i said, i'm not a fan of freddie Wink i certainly couldn't live with him. and i dont know what went on.

i'm just speaking in general Wink god knows i've had times where i've hyperventilated through being so upset...but seemed fine the next day.

my point was more abut the hyperbole used on this forum last night, and how it has been shown today be an hysterical over reaction.

An hysterical over reaction from the forum members or freddie or both?
Penelope Pitstop
Originally posted by Penelope Pitstop:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
didn't see the row, not a fan of either bea or freddie. in fact i dont even watch it now tbh (except the eviction lol).

this forum mostly.

and i suspect a bit from freddie too.


but just cos someone was really upset one day...doesn't mean they have to be the next day, or indeed any other day. even if he had deep depression there would be good days and bad days and to be wouldn't know how someone feels just by looking at them. not everyone is an open book. most people put on a front.

as i said, i'm not a fan of freddie Wink i certainly couldn't live with him. and i dont know what went on.

i'm just speaking in general Wink god knows i've had times where i've hyperventilated through being so upset...but seemed fine the next day.

my point was more abut the hyperbole used on this forum last night, and how it has been shown today be an hysterical over reaction.

An hysterical over reaction from the forum members or freddie or both?
mostly this forum and a bit from freddie.

hello jackson. Smiler

I can't agree with you about the reaction from forum members. Freddie, yes he was quite hysterical but i don't believe it was a forced reaction.
I didn't watch the row between Freddie and Bea last night but I listened to it. I had my eyes on the forum. I could hear the true distress in his voice though and the calculating nastiness of Bea.
I did watch it today and yes he was quite dramatic in his actions at times but that doesn't mean he didn't really feel the distress.

The reactions from the forum members last night who were upset for him, well that was just a natural reaction to a very uncomfortable situation.
Penelope Pitstop
i don't doubt freddie was upset,but my impression was that he was ramping it up.certainly that was confirmed for me, when he retold the story to siavash, bea kept her voice level throughout the whole exchange, but that's not how freddie retold it, maybe in his own mind that is what happened, or maybe he was making it sound as bad as he possibly could.
his reaction and convulsing , at the sound of bea's voice, in fact her voice was 'making him a panic attack' made me want to throw some thing at him.not because it was bea but because i know a bit about panic attacks and this wasn't one.
in my opinion he out victimed the consumate victim,lol.
marcus's reaction to freddie's plight was measured and indicated some experience of freddie behaving in this way , and he was loathe to address it as rodrigo and bea wanted him to as ' he'd seen it all before and feddie does this,he'll be fine by morning'
and he was, it seems.

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