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Haven't been here for weeks so sorry if this has been covered but it's annoying me so much i'm now shouting at the telly every night at the injustice!
Sophie committed the same crime as Marcus, asking to be nominated but didn't get punished and it was even worse because at that point she knew that Marcus' punishment was that the whole house was up.
Surely she should have at least been named and shamed cause her friends are still blaming Marcus!
BB obviously has it's favourites but it would make great tv seeing the reaction fom Lisa and Rodrigo.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Well some are saying her punishment was that they could all talk about noms Confused

As far as I can see, she hasn't been punished.

From the official BB site:
"If we had one drinks token for every time Big Brother had told the housemates not to discuss nominations, we'd be staggering around with a traffic cone on our head by now.
Big Brother has threatened and tormented the rule-breakers with all manner of warnings and punishments - but to no avail. The housemates didn't listen. So now Big Brother is letting them have if their own way.
The group was gathered in the Living Room today to hear the shock announcement that all housemates are now free to discuss nominations "past, present and future"."

So yes, BB has "punished" Sophie (and the others) for discussing nominations, but no, they haven't really punished her, and never will now...
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Well some are saying her punishment was that they could all talk about noms Confused

As far as I can see, she hasn't been punished.

From the official BB site:
"If we had one drinks token for every time Big Brother had told the housemates not to discuss nominations, we'd be staggering around with a traffic cone on our head by now.
Big Brother has threatened and tormented the rule-breakers with all manner of warnings and punishments - but to no avail. The housemates didn't listen. So now Big Brother is letting them have if their own way.
The group was gathered in the Living Room today to hear the shock announcement that all housemates are now free to discuss nominations "past, present and future"."

So yes, BB has "punished" Sophie (and the others) for discussing nominations, but no, they haven't really punished her, and never will now...

I fail to see how that is a punishment though?
Same as Siavash, Freddie and Bea, talking at the bus stop about how many votes their side could get, and then Freddie telling Bea to enrol Rodrigo; That wasnt punished either. Or perhaps they were all punished; BB said that several housemates had been breaking the rules about nomination talk and the punishment was for them to be now able to talk about them! Just cause Sophie was alone in doing this, doesnt mean she should get a seperate, or worse punishment!
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Wave SoNotCool, don't think so although maybe BB decided the talk about nominations thing was her punishment without telling her? Confused. She deffo deserves a punishment as she broke the rules.
But even if they didn't want to tell her, they would have told us.
Also, in what way would it punish?
Whether one knows about it or not, a punishment isn't a punishment unless it punishes. Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Videostar:
No, she was never punished, on BBLB they even congratulated her by saying that she "sticking up for herself" Roll Eyes
Now how is saying 'please put me up' a defence of, or for, anything? Roll Eyes

Dont ask me, I think those on BBLB have been smoking something very weedy.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Well some are saying her punishment was that they could all talk about noms Confused

As far as I can see, she hasn't been punished.

From the official BB site:
"If we had one drinks token for every time Big Brother had told the housemates not to discuss nominations, we'd be staggering around with a traffic cone on our head by now.
Big Brother has threatened and tormented the rule-breakers with all manner of warnings and punishments - but to no avail. The housemates didn't listen. So now Big Brother is letting them have if their own way.
The group was gathered in the Living Room today to hear the shock announcement that all housemates are now free to discuss nominations "past, present and future"."

So yes, BB has "punished" Sophie (and the others) for discussing nominations, but no, they haven't really punished her, and never will now...

I fail to see how that is a punishment though?

Well, quite. Of course it's not a punishment - except that BB says it is, so it is. It's yet another victory for BB's "we can change the rules at any time" get-out clause.

My gut feeling is that BB have been wanting an excuse to allow nomination talk for a while as an experiment, and this "punishment" has allowed them an excuse.
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Well some are saying her punishment was that they could all talk about noms Confused

As far as I can see, she hasn't been punished.

From the official BB site:
"If we had one drinks token for every time Big Brother had told the housemates not to discuss nominations, we'd be staggering around with a traffic cone on our head by now.
Big Brother has threatened and tormented the rule-breakers with all manner of warnings and punishments - but to no avail. The housemates didn't listen. So now Big Brother is letting them have if their own way.
The group was gathered in the Living Room today to hear the shock announcement that all housemates are now free to discuss nominations "past, present and future"."

So yes, BB has "punished" Sophie (and the others) for discussing nominations, but no, they haven't really punished her, and never will now...
No they haven't, they,ve just changed the rules. If this rule change has further connotations, then it might end up in a punishment, but so far Sophie has received no punishment.
Just because everyone was waiting for a punishment for Sophie does not mean that the very next 'surprise' announcement IS the punisment. Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by 15:10:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Well some are saying her punishment was that they could all talk about noms Confused

Punishment?!?!! How is that punishment BB?! *BB you %$$ÂĢ"!*! "$"!$ÂĢ&*!Mad* Ninja

BB turned it around to have Lisa and clan nominate the two rebels they wanted out.

How was putting everyone up a punishment for Marcus?
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by 15:10:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Well some are saying her punishment was that they could all talk about noms Confused

Punishment?!?!! How is that punishment BB?! *BB you %$$ÂĢ"!*! "$"!$ÂĢ&*!Mad* Ninja

BB turned it around to have Lisa and clan nominate the two rebels they wanted out.

How was putting everyone up a punishment for Marcus?

It was designed to put him in the firing line with the rest of the group (I personally think Siavash got off very lightly there Shake Head)..... this "punishment" was something (just about) everyone liked, so no one was affected by it.
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
No they haven't, they,ve just changed the rules. If this rule change has further connotations, then it might end up in a punishment, but so far Sophie has received no punishment.
Just because everyone was waiting for a punishment for Sophie does not mean that the very next 'surprise' announcement IS the punisment. Big Grin

I understand your logic, but I think you're going to be waiting in vain for any "proper" punishment.

Like it or not (and I think nearly everyone doesn't), I really don't think we're going to hear anything more on this matter.
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by 15:10:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Well some are saying her punishment was that they could all talk about noms Confused

Punishment?!?!! How is that punishment BB?! *BB you %$$ÂĢ"!*! "$"!$ÂĢ&*!Mad* Ninja

BB turned it around to have Lisa and clan nominate the two rebels they wanted out.

How was putting everyone up a punishment for Marcus?
Because if he wasn't such a rebel and didn't care, it would have made him feel guilty and possibly angered the others enough to put him up for eviction.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
No they haven't, they,ve just changed the rules. If this rule change has further connotations, then it might end up in a punishment, but so far Sophie has received no punishment.
Just because everyone was waiting for a punishment for Sophie does not mean that the very next 'surprise' announcement IS the punisment. Big Grin

I understand your logic, but I think you're going to be waiting in vain for any "proper" punishment.

Like it or not (and I think nearly everyone doesn't), I really don't think we're going to hear anything more on this matter.
I don't think so either, I just get frustrated when people make illogical assumptions. So far three thing have happened since Sophie talked noms and each of those three things were, at some point, touted as Sophie's punisment, but none of them were. Unfortunately I can't remember what the first thing was. The second was the food being removed, which was a pnishment for the jail break and subsequent refusal to go back, and the third being this announcement about talking noms.
All they said about it was that they had decided to change the rules because so many had talked noms. No mention of punishment for anyone, let alone Sophie. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
bb said on last night highlight show

As several people were involved in talking about nominations they now decided to let them speak freely of who they can nominate etc

serveral housemates they said so that will be sophie and whoever esle,which was probably bea who sat in garden on live feed with fred and she talked openly about it

do not know who else but that is how it went for the punishment.

last week was same hira went done nothing wasnt even up the people who caused everyone to go up got to stay another week,and this week the people who openly talked of nominations will put someone esle out and they,will get another week.

Its not really fair this week or last.
Originally posted by cup:

Its not really fair this week or last.

I think that's why so many people are angry about this Cup. Nod

There seems such a vast difference between previous years relatively consistent punishments and this years farce.

I strongly believe that if they choose to withdraw the live feed then they are even more responsible for making sure everything is clear and fair for the viewers.

Ok, maybe I should rephrase that... they can do whatever the hell they want, it's their show. But if they want to keep their regular viewers they need to be seen to be clear and fair. Big Grin
Originally posted by Duckypup:
Originally posted by cup:

Its not really fair this week or last.

I think that's why so many people are angry about this Cup. Nod

There seems such a vast difference between previous years relatively consistent punishments and this years farce.

I strongly believe that if they choose to withdraw the live feed then they are even more responsible for making sure everything is clear and fair for the viewers.

Ok, maybe I should rephrase that... they can do whatever the hell they want, it's their show. But if they want to keep their regular viewers they need to be seen to be clear and fair. Big Grin

I agree with what you say ducky,I believe that the only people to be punished should be the rule breakers.

And not some jail rubbish maybe the first time but not continually its stupid and as for putting all up thats what people want,and as for talking about nominations thats a mockery of all bb is.

The punishment has to be something that makes you think i will never do that again.
Originally posted by SoNotCool:

How was putting everyone up a punishment for Marcus?

Actually it was a good punishment by the whipping boy theory. His real punishment was being hated by the others.

Exactly the same for Sophie (only a whipping girl theory). Her real punishment was being hated by the others Laugh

You can't all have it both ways, it was a punishment just as Marcus was.

Originally posted by Canicant:
Originally posted by SoNotCool:

How was putting everyone up a punishment for Marcus?

Actually it was a good punishment by the whipping boy theory. His real punishment was being hated by the others.

Exactly the same for Sophie (only a whipping girl theory). Her real punishment was being hated by the others Laugh

You can't all have it both ways, it was a punishment just as Marcus was.


But no one was angry about being able to talk nominations. A couple didn't want to but that was their choice. There were no repercussions for anyone. No anger, no whipping.

Whether BB thought it WOULD is another matter.... if so, VERY bad planning on their part. Shake Head
I actually think after 10 weeks the housemates love to get it for their chest to each other how they nominated them.

Its all done and dusted then and no one really cares,if it were in week 3 now that would be different but not this late in game i think it is a reward

And if someone wants to go up its perfect chance for them to asked to be put up for eviction

And the numbers in both teams would always dictate that lisa and mates have the biggest say,as is why bea jumped ship.
Originally posted by cup:
I actually think after 10 weeks the housemates love to get it for their chest to each other how they nominated them.

Its all done and dusted then and no one really cares,if it were in week 3 now that would be different but not this late in game i think it is a reward

And if someone wants to go up its perfect chance for them to asked to be put up for eviction

And the numbers in both teams would always dictate that lisa and mates have the biggest say,as is why bea jumped ship .

and that is the reason for Mucus and Co's sudden demise... I'm glad she did it because I disliked the other lot (Team Mucus) but its definitely down to Bea playing the numbers game Eeker


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