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Best of British

This week's Shopping task celebrates the United Kingdom. Housemates are playing to win actual cold hard cash towards their shopping budget.

Tea with the queen
Today Rodrigo, will be called to the Diary Room to be told that Her Majesty The Queen has received the letter which he wrote to her last week and that today she is in the area and would like to come to tea with him, his part of the Task is to prepare for tea with the Queen

However whilst Rodrigo is in the Diary Room listening to the music, Big Brother will explain to all Housemates, that in order for HM's to receive tokens and special individual rewards, they must convince Rodrigo that he has really met Her Majesty. Dogface and Charlie must also help him to prepare for the event by helping him learn the etiquette surrounding meeting the Queen, how to address her, how to make and pour tea correctly.

Big Brother will provide Rodrigo with a handbook relating to all procedures and etiquette concerning meeting and addressing the Queen. Housemates must also convince Rodrigo, that he must follow everything in the handbook to the letter.

" If Rodrigo, Charlie and Dogface pass this Challenge, they will receive ÂĢ80 towards the Shopping Budget.

If housemates fail to convince Rodrigo he has met the Queen, they will not receive individual prizes or tokens.


Marcus and Siavash completed the Bog snorkelling task yesterday. They are unaware of if they have passed or failed this part of the task.


Yesterday Halfwit mastered the art of playing the Bagpipes. He successfully performed one 30 second note with no breaks in sound and therefore passed this element of the task. He has won ÂĢ80 toward next week's shopping budget for all Housemates.


Lisa, Bea and David had a flutter on the horses yesterday and wagered ÂĢ40 on a race. Each backed a horse to win but unfortunately their horses did not win the race. They have failed this part of the task and therefore have not secured any money to go toward next week's shopping budget.


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