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Many of you have spoken about Freddie's convulsion-like behaviour on last night's show. Head-banging and other stuff was mentioned. It was also mentioned that it made such uncomfortable viewing, that DS reports that people have complained to Ofcom.

Has anyone watched last night's HL show and the repeat this morning? Because from what you've all been saying, the one aired this morning was heavily edited from the one which was shown last night.

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Don't watch the morn HL's but another FM has said the morn HL's are heavily edited with all the bad language removed.
Saw the HL's last night and it was uncomfortable viewing. Showed that Freddie is not so strong mentally as he would like us to believe. I know its easy for us speaking from an objective viewpoint, but he should not have let Bea upset him that much. He got so emotional he was unable to speak.
Bea talked herself into a strop then blamed Freddie for it. He was so aghast that he became visibly upset and said something like
" I.....cant.....believe.....what...... you.....are.......saying.I .......not.....a.....negative....person "

Bea said ""

Freddie said "Im....actuallly..... quite.... upset.....I"

What a horrible cow she was last night.
lainy m
Originally posted by lainy m:
Bea talked herself into a strop then blamed Freddie for it. He was so aghast that he became visibly upset and said something like
" I.....cant.....believe.....what...... you.....are.......saying.I .......not.....a.....negative....person "

Bea said ""

Freddie said "Im....actuallly..... quite.... upset.....I"

What a horrible cow she was last night.

I loathe the woman. She winds everybody up and then pretends she doesn't know why they get upset. And so far she seems to expect everyone to apolgise to her. I have lost count of the people she has expected to apologise to her this year.
I watched it again this morning and yes it was heavily edited, but not just with the Freddie and Bea arguments, it was edited throughout.

It really gave no indication of how upset Freddie was or why, and it actually didn't make Bea look too bad, well it did, but in no way did she appear as bad as she did on the late night HL show.

Poor form tbh. I understand they would edit the swearing out, but they completely hacked the HL show to bits. Confused
Originally posted by langster:
I watched it again this morning and yes it was heavily edited, but not just with the Freddie and Bea arguments, it was edited throughout.

It really gave no indication of how upset Freddie was or why, and it actually didn't make Bea look too bad, well it did, but in no way did she appear as bad as she did on the late night HL show.

Poor form tbh. I understand they would edit the swearing out, but they completely hacked the HL show to bits. Confused

Crazy, what is their reason for distorting the truth Mad
Originally posted by jennywren:
Many of you have spoken about Freddie's convulsion-like behaviour on last night's show. Head-banging and other stuff was mentioned. It was also mentioned that it made such uncomfortable viewing, that DS reports that people have complained to Ofcom.

Has anyone watched last night's HL show and the repeat this morning? Because from what you've all been saying, the one aired this morning was heavily edited from the one which was shown last night.

It was very much more edited. very disjointed did not have the impact of the night previous!But then I believe because some people have complained they have retouched the evidence! Sort of air brushed it to pretty it up! Frowner
They always do this. The other night when BB was on, I was in hysterics when they panned to clips of Bea slurping out of a jug and then Marcus, looking like a creature possesed, gurning, while eating from his "half a bowl"! Laugh Big Grin My daughter went to watch it the next day and only the Bea clip was left in!!! Cant see why the hell they took that bit out? It was SO funny! Shake Head
Little Miss Spurs

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