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'You could hula-hoop through a Cheerio [to the emaciated Kemal]'

'D'ya get me?'

'I'm not gonna be intimidated by you Roberto, cos I'm not intimidated by you, Roberto. D'ya get me?'

'I'll say what I like. Cos it's free speech innit. D'ya get me?'

'I'm from the ghetto. D'ya get me?'

'I'm not a violent person. I didn't mean to throw the bin at Maxwell. It slipped out my hands. D'ya get me?'

'When I don't eat I get grumpy. D'ya get me?'

'If I want to cook a chicken, I'll cook a chjicken d'ya get me!'

'I don't eat chickens arse cos it's not good for ya. D'ya get me?'

'Tweedle dumb, tweedle dee and tweedle twat [to Anthony, Maxwell and Craig]'

'Innit? u get meh?'

''I'm from the ghetto.''

'Kill all the white men! dya get me.'

'He's a carebear gone wrong [on Craig]'

'Science speaks from the heart. D'ya get me?'

'I've slaved after everyone in here for six weeks, d'ya get me?'

'Turkey mince i said turkey mince d'ya get me?'

'My names not Derek yeah!'

'Is it coz I is black?'

'You're not having a bath. You're standing in a bin looking like a idiot.'

''how can we ration when people arnt being rational?!''

'Makosi:My mother was one of 50 children. Science: Your grandaddy was a pimp'

'I may be only 5ft 8in, but I have the spirit of a giant'

'This is for the ghetto'

'Orlaith(enraged at Science) : SCIENCE YOUR DOIN' MA HEAD IN CAN YOU SHUT UP FOR ONE MINUTE?! Science(cooly in a mock american accent) : no!'

'''Power To The People'''

'''You fink am bovered?'''

'''Citizen Science man dat's who i am!'''


'''Science cannot be contained'''

'''You lot are idiots'''

'''A fot a was homaphobic derek'''

'''Get away from me man, Science dont play your kinda games'' (Whilst runnin away from Derek who was tryin 2 get a kiss from every housemate for a secret mission)'

''Have some respect for Sci-dog!''

'I'm from the Ghetto and yes I live with my mum.'

'You got to lick it before you stick it!'

'Im not gonna clean up this shit, im not clean up this shit'

'Easy tiger HAHA d'ya get me man'

'Empower yourself'

'Makosi: 'Talk to the hand coz the face ain't listening'. Science: 'I don't wanna talk to your face anyway. Especially in the morning when you wake up and you haven't put your eyebrows on''

'Makosi. 'you could come around to my house and I would cook you goats balls' Science. 'no way man you aint making me any kind of balls'

'Ahh Mr Moth, you dont want to move and i respect your wishes!'

''time of the month is it?' science to makosi when she was on her secret mission and wouldnt get up when the alarm went off .'

'At da end of da day yer'

Science BB6 best housemate ever imo Cool Thumbs Up Clapping Big Grin.

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Found this on DS Darlo Cool

"ugly is what a person is indoors, not outdoors"

Someone in the thread suggested that it just meant "beauty is only skin deep"; but then a user named g00se replied:

it's not just the beauty is skin deep thing though.... i like the indoors/outdoors reference to the BB house...... unintentional or not, the idea that inside the house, a lot of the HM's are uglier than they would be outside, in order to win the gameshow, is a subtle critique on the nature of the HM's themselves!!
"I've been proved right, except when I was wrong, and even then I was right but I just didn't listen to myself".

Makosi: These bedsheets are lovely and clean
Science: I wonder how long it will take for them to become as sour as your characters

"I'm floozy, woozi. It's a plunge pool, not a jacuzzi"

To Makosi when she has just woken up:
Makosi: "God, I look so ugly".
Science: "Too right. You look like shit ran over twice".

BB: "Science you have won the mass debating task".
Science: "MASS-Debate. I don't masturbate"

'I'll wash up tomorrow. It's just a glitch in the Matrix, stuff happens, national TV, who cares?'

ANT: You should go away to bed.
SCIENCE: When I'm finished!!
ANT: What are you doing?
SCIENCE: ... Resting.

Kemal: "Who was the most famous white dog, with white hair?........Lassie!"
Science: "Lassie was weak man....The Littlest Hobo was.....deep" ...hahahahhaha at that one! Laugh God he was ACE! I loved him. (all shamelessly nicked from a pre-eviction thread on DS)
I shouldn't laugh at this one (it's a bit mean) but still Laugh

Science: Your breath stinks like your batty crease <to Makosi>

Science to Eugene: "When you think of all the stuff that happens in the deep blue sea - it's RAW. Raw like sushi."

"Thats the way the cookie crumbles, even though we've run out of biscuits" hahaha Laugh

"This treasure don't exist, man. It's fool's gold!"

Yesterday he lost his comb. "Seriously this is an issue," he said. "The only question is, has it been misplaced by something, someone or me?" Cool

"MY mission isn't finished, Science is not diminished. I'm not trying to be tactical, I'm just being practical. I glimmer and shimmer, I'm a saint, not a sinner... although I do sin sometimes."

BB: "Who Knows?
Science: 'Who knows Big Lass? That is the question."
It made it better that he was rubbing his chin in a thinking manner while he said it.

Science: "Shut ya noize. Now listen, that chicken bullshit that you lot are talkin’ needs to stop or you lot will never, ever, ever, ever taste chicken caesar soup"

Science: What is it when I say something but
everybody ignores me, but then someone else
says the same thing and everybody listens
Science: Hand on heart, I'm invisible inspiration
(Oh he rocked hard! He did!)

Science: I give them some confidence and
they use it against me
Craig: You shouldn't give it to them. You
should crush them
Science: No, I don't do that

All nicked from DS again.
"7 clear bottles standing on the wall
7 clear bottles standing on the wall
but in this house bottles don't accidentally fall..."

"A shit is a one-man job. You do it alone."

From his argument with Kemal:"You think you're slick but you're just a p****"

"I’m the Crumble King, the chicken specialist. I’ve taken Roberto’s position as the Pasta Masta. I’m not a Risotto Dan. I am the man"

Science: "Look at that big bumblebee. Right there....Look"
[holds onto *Moloko’s elbow]
Makosi: "I’m not scared of bees honey"
Science: "Look then Look then."
Science: "oooooo.....I’m out..."[starts backing out of the kitchen never taking his eyes off the bee]
Science: "What’s it doin’ look? Why’s it doin’ that? Look it’s up there"
Makosi: "Leave it"
Science: "I don’t like them"
Makosi: "It hasn’t done anything to you"
Science: "That’s deep though that. That’s different gravy"
*that was his pet name for Makosi

"If people love to hate you, it don't mean they don't love you in their own way, innit," Science said to Makosi cryptically still trying to be nice.

(all stolen again..ta to the DS peeps for collecting it all..we did too..but ours were dumped and not archived! Mad Ch4 Loved us...*ahem* )
" If you have power over the minions,
You have power over the dominions"

Science: "I am the Overlord of the Man-points league."
Craig: "I am the System Lord of...."
Science: [to Craig] "Shuddup....When you talk like that it makes you the system fraud. Stop scratching yer butt-cheeks"

*science after max was evicted*
'I am citizen science, and it's the job of the citizen to take out the trash'

"Science stands alone again. What do you expect me to do? Curl up in the corner? I'm not a corner-curler."

An argument with Craig:
Science: "I‘ve been who I am, me as a man since I got here."
Science: [To Craig] "A lot of boo-hoo crying, shaving yer head, doing a lot of foot massaging to get where you are.....I choose to be myself.
Ant: [Keen to set aside the homo-erotic undertones of Craig’s servility] "Science that’s got nothing to do with it.."
Science: "But it has. Because it’s an evaluation of interpretation of my opinion of what I’ve seen throughout the duration and I’ve got to this place to say this in a conversation. [To Ant] What the hell is he talking about? Why is he saying it now? And like you said he’s had a couple halves and got a little bit brave"
Craig: "Hardly, hardly"
Science: "Please, please, please, please do not pick a war with a man that lives by the art: Honour, justice and courage, confidence and realism. Getwhatamsayin? [To Craig] You have none of those."
Craig: "I do"
Science: "You don’t. You think you’re a God. You’re a System fraud."
Craig: "What are you?"
Science: "Citizen Science....Citizen Science. Power to the People!"

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