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Originally posted by berraquita:
... when marcus is (i'm pretty sure) shown the door and she sees how popular he is with the voters - I predict she'll be so far up his back passage he'll be coughing up her hair extensions. I just HOPE he's smart enough to tell her to get lost!

I think you are right. I just wish Freddie had the strength to tell her to eff off and refuse to speak to her again, but I don't think he will/can.
I think the majority of people will feel sorry for freddie and will be willing him him on to stand up for himself again.

He will be polite to bea and bear no grudges she will hug him and have a chat etc,he will be civil to her.

But he need not get sucked in by her again and her nasty ways,i hope he just moves on and never goes back to the way he was with her,i do not think he will though.
I would just like to see him have the balls to say ............'BEA EFF OFF' ...............if he does that - he'll get my vote for winner ..........................errrrrrrrrr well maybe far IMO Siavash hasn't blotted his copy book and will be hard to beat.

But .................if Freddie grew a pair ...........I might be persuaded to change my mind.
Soozy Woo

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