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Originally posted by Jeggo:
OMG - Have we ever ever seen anyone so absolutely vile - I just fear for any children she may have - they will end up destroyed.

She is a relentless nasty demeaning bully. I was stunned and paralysed with shock. Talk about sticking the knife in and twisting it again and again and again. She`s like something out of a psycho horror movie.

Senora Reyes
I don't think Charley was a bully she was very argumentative, had a vile temper and had to resort to name calling to win the argument and was just full of anger but didn't have the intelligence to put people down where as Bea and Grace had the intelligence and calculated in their attacks they could make people feel sorry for them or retort back to their group feeling sorry for themselves.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
The Beatch needs to go!! Her job is done - she has destroyed Freddie, totally and with vicious spite. Well, let us return the favour when she is evicted and and boo like there is no tomorrow. I also hope that Davina shows her that what Freddie said was true!

Yes - and what gets me is that all the charges Bea lays against Freddie, are things that she`s guilty of herself. She`s just talking about herself and she cannot see it - its always the other person thats wrong in her eyes.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by Jeggo:
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
The Beatch needs to go!! Her job is done - she has destroyed Freddie, totally and with vicious spite. Well, let us return the favour when she is evicted and and boo like there is no tomorrow. I also hope that Davina shows her that what Freddie said was true!

Yes - and what gets me is that all the charges Bea lays against Freddie, are things that she`s guilty of herself. She`s just talking about herself and she cannot see it - its always the other person thats wrong in her eyes.

Last week on BBBM Davina said she liked Bea! Confused Frowner
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I don't think Charley was a bully she was very argumentative, had a vile temper and had to resort to name calling to win the argument and was just full of anger but didn't have the intelligence to put people down where as Bea and Grace had the intelligence and calculated in their attacks they could make people feel sorry for them or retort back to their group feeling sorry for themselves.

Spot on totally agree Darlo, well said. Clapping Hug
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
No wonder she's had umpteen jobs and 50 lovers, who the feck would want her back next day at work or in bed Eeker

Indeed. I can imagine her giving them what for at work and getting the boot. And I can imagine her demanding beddy-byes with men in her quest for love and attention. And getting the boot.
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
The little I saw of Charley suggested that she was far more unstable than Bea.

I think the difference is that Charley just shouted her mouth off and blew at everything, whereas Bea targets people and intellectually puts them down several pegs. Smiler

'Puts them down several pegs'?? What a delightful understatement... she slams 'em onto the floor and stamps them into the dust more like!!!
Originally posted by Jeggo:
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
The Beatch needs to go!! Her job is done - she has destroyed Freddie, totally and with vicious spite. Well, let us return the favour when she is evicted and and boo like there is no tomorrow. I also hope that Davina shows her that what Freddie said was true!

Yes - and what gets me is that all the charges Bea lays against Freddie, are things that she`s guilty of herself. She`s just talking about herself and she cannot see it - its always the other person thats wrong in her eyes.

Yes - perhaps that is why she does most of her arguing whilst looking in the mirror - I would love to know what a psychiatrist would make of that.
Originally posted by KeenViewer:
Originally posted by Jeggo:
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
The Beatch needs to go!! Her job is done - she has destroyed Freddie, totally and with vicious spite. Well, let us return the favour when she is evicted and and boo like there is no tomorrow. I also hope that Davina shows her that what Freddie said was true!

Yes - and what gets me is that all the charges Bea lays against Freddie, are things that she`s guilty of herself. She`s just talking about herself and she cannot see it - its always the other person thats wrong in her eyes.

Yes - perhaps that is why she does most of her arguing whilst looking in the mirror - I would love to know what a psychiatrist would make of that.

Good observation. Thumbs Up Worth looking into.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Like I said before she is the cold and calculating, controlling and sadistic Nurse Ratched but what we won't see though is Marcus gunning for her throat as Randall P McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) did fictitiously to Nurse Ratched after her psychological, passive aggressive bullying caused Billy Bibbett to slash his wrists.

Ooooooooooooooooh I love that book too. There are similarities ........she's one evil bitch.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
The little I saw of Charley suggested that she was far more unstable than Bea.

No one's saying Bea is unstable. Poor Charley had anger issues but Bea's behaviour is relentless and deliberate.

Unstable can be more dangerous and uncontrollable, people can blow up and get violent (eg Emma BB5).

Bea no doubt acts like a bitch and is manipulative, but that's no different to Noirin is it? Noirin had lots of support on here. I said from the start with the secret mission task that Bea was a huge gameplayer and was even ruthless. At that time alot of people here were still saying she was a peace loving hippy.
Free Thinking
Yes i was a vociferous Noirin supporter ...........can't see how the two can be compared TBH. Bea is a cold, calculating and very nasty individual.

Noirin was an out of control flirt. I know which one I prefer.

Playing with peoples minds and backstabbing isn't nice./ does bea forget that we are watching at home? HORRIBLE,HORRIBLE PERSON.
Soozy Woo

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