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Have I got that right? It wasn't just Rodrigo's nom's but everyones that put up Marcus and Halfwit?

If this is the case, and I will apologise if its not, then why are people complaining? They were nominated fair and square regardless of them being able to talk noms. Just because your 2 'favourites' are up doesn't give you grounds to call BB Producers arseholes or think they are scheming against Tosspot, Tosswit and Tossvash.

I've mentioned this before, so forgive me, but I was a Sophia supporter at the start of the show and she was booted out first chance people got to vote. Did I complain about this?....well yes I did, but I dealt with it and moved on and I know loads of people are gunning for Bea to go up for eviction, and I will deal with it when the time comes.

So really what I'm trying to say is 'deal wiv it' (Tracy style), either Marcus or Freddie will be gone this friday and that's just the way it is Nod

On a more positive note, isn't Bea awesome? Ninja

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Originally posted by Videostar:
The others should have been put up for eviction too, just like last week...Sophie THE REAL RULE BREAKER got away scot free.

Thats why it isn't fair.

If it was a straight normal eviction process and those two got the most votes then fair enough, but it didn't turn out that way.

Maybe we haven't seen her punishment yet, although I'm with the understanding that her rule break contributed to the food being removed. She was expecting to be put up and BB is all about expect the unexpected. Plus its just a game show, you won't care about these people once its over.
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally posted by Videostar:
The others should have been put up for eviction too, just like last week...Sophie THE REAL RULE BREAKER got away scot free.

Thats why it isn't fair.

If it was a straight normal eviction process and those two got the most votes then fair enough, but it didn't turn out that way.

Maybe we haven't seen her punishment yet, although I'm with the understanding that her rule break contributed to the food being removed. She was expecting to be put up and BB is all about expect the unexpected. Plus its just a game show, you won't care about these people once its over.

Oh FFS if they haven't punished her by now they are not going to...her punishment should have been the whole house up like last week.

Quit it with the double standards.
Had they all been up for eviction last week aannd there been a vote to evict, then yes, it would be fair that they were all up again this week. but last week BB did all they could to save the big characters in the house, by nulling the votes and making it vote to save. - everyone here predicted that hira would be evicted. It was so transparent. So, it would be completely unfair for them all to be up this week.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally posted by Videostar:
The others should have been put up for eviction too, just like last week...Sophie THE REAL RULE BREAKER got away scot free.

Thats why it isn't fair.

If it was a straight normal eviction process and those two got the most votes then fair enough, but it didn't turn out that way.

Maybe we haven't seen her punishment yet, although I'm with the understanding that her rule break contributed to the food being removed. She was expecting to be put up and BB is all about expect the unexpected. Plus its just a game show, you won't care about these people once its over.

Oh FFS if they haven't punished her by now they are not going to...her punishment should have been the whole house up like last week.

Quit it with the double standards.

Oh dear.

There's no double standards what so ever. Siavash broke rules last week and all housemates went up for eviction. Sophie, thinking the same would happen, broke the rules and a different punishment was given, maybe it was the food being taken or something, I want fully know until tonights HL's.

BB can change the rules at any time it wants, and housemates should never know what the 'punishments' will be.

Yes 2 of your favourite housemates are up for eviction, thats just how it is. If Bea was nominated for eviction I would accept it. Now have a pop tart and calm down mate.

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