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Gosh, really surprised at this, thought that Marcus would be streets and houses ahead to go after last night's show!....I can't decide, don't much like either of them, but for the sake of the show, don't really want either to go. At a push, I'd maybe say Freddie to go, but not so much that I'd be picking up the 'phone to vote...let's see what happens in the next couple of days...I could change my mind!
~Because I DON'T WANT EITHER of these two to go
Frowner Frowner

they are the ONLY 2 GREAT HM's in the house
and BOTH should be in the final

this weeks nom talk and the results have
made the whole BB ~ A GIANT DOWNER
and the loss of either of them is SICKENINGLY AWFUL
and my heart is not in it anymore

I wanted SIAVASH OUT Devil
and Bea- Sick
Then Chunderous Charlie Angry
Marcus WANTS to go!!! he even got his mate to nominate him ya CANT give a clearer signal than that!
I would LOVE him to stay, but I also respect his wishes to be VOTED out, note, VOTED out, even HE says only cowards and wankers walk,
so I dont see where there is anything to talk about or do "polls" about,
let him come out, he says he wants to watch some of it on tv before its over, AND argue about it on the forums who KNOWS he MIGHT end up HERE,
I am sure he would enjoy seeing how may times he has been called a perv, Laugh
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Marcus WANTS to go!!! he even got his mate to nominate him ya CANT give a clearer signal than that!
I would LOVE him to stay, but I also respect his wishes to be VOTED out, note, VOTED out, even HE says only cowards and wankers walk,
so I dont see where there is anything to talk about or do "polls" about,
let him come out, he says he wants to watch some of it on tv before its over, AND argue about it on the forums who KNOWS he MIGHT end up HERE,
I am sure he would enjoy seeing how may times he has been called a perv, Laugh

I'm just not convinced he really wants to go OHG....anyways, it's the voting public who decide who they want to go, not the hms, (unless C4 fiddle it of course!) Are you voting this week then?

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