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That and the new inteview process with guests has taken away from some of what eviction night used to be about.

The eviction announcement was just moved to get more people to watch the second show. If they had a decent interview process instead of the shambles they have now they wouldn't have needed to do that.

It was better when you had a longer time to see how a HM reacted to getting evicted and what repercussions came from that while they were still in the house.

Such changes are just reflective of the general Endemol/Channel 4 attitude that Big Brother knows best. They think that the audience will just follow whatever they plan like they are sheep.

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Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:

It was better when you had a longer time to see how a HM reacted to getting evicted and what repercussions came from that while they were still in the house.

that only really worked when the announcement was made and you could watch the fallout on the live feed

Well there used to be live feed didn't there? It would mean more footage for the HLs potentially as well as the evicted HM can give some 'home truths' before they go. A sudden eviction as a shock tactic was interesting when it was a total surprise and when only used rarely. They used to play with HMs minds more with them hearing cheers or boos as well.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
That and the new inteview process with guests has taken away from some of what eviction night used to be about.

The eviction announcement was just moved to get more people to watch the second show. If they had a decent interview process instead of the shambles they have now they wouldn't have needed to do that.

It was better when you had a longer time to see how a HM reacted to getting evicted and what repercussions came from that while they were still in the house.

Such changes are just reflective of the general Endemol/Channel 4 attitude that Big Brother knows best. They think that the audience will just follow whatever they plan like they are sheep.
Absolutely agree! Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
That and the new inteview process with guests has taken away from some of what eviction night used to be about.

The eviction announcement was just moved to get more people to watch the second show. If they had a decent interview process instead of the shambles they have now they wouldn't have needed to do that.

It was better when you had a longer time to see how a HM reacted to getting evicted and what repercussions came from that while they were still in the house.

Such changes are just reflective of the general Endemol/Channel 4 attitude that Big Brother knows best. They think that the audience will just follow whatever they plan like they are sheep.
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
That and the new inteview process with guests has taken away from some of what eviction night used to be about.

The eviction announcement was just moved to get more people to watch the second show. If they had a decent interview process instead of the shambles they have now they wouldn't have needed to do that.

It was better when you had a longer time to see how a HM reacted to getting evicted and what repercussions came from that while they were still in the house.

Such changes are just reflective of the general Endemol/Channel 4 attitude that Big Brother knows best. They think that the audience will just follow whatever they plan like they are sheep.

I agree FT Thumbs Up
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
That and the new inteview process with guests has taken away from some of what eviction night used to be about.

The eviction announcement was just moved to get more people to watch the second show. If they had a decent interview process instead of the shambles they have now they wouldn't have needed to do that.

It was better when you had a longer time to see how a HM reacted to getting evicted and what repercussions came from that while they were still in the house.

Such changes are just reflective of the general Endemol/Channel 4 attitude that Big Brother knows best. They think that the audience will just follow whatever they plan like they are sheep.
Thumbs Up
I don't like the sudden eviction...i'd like them to stay in the house and wail a bit before they go Devil

But I quite like the interview format this least some of the things we want asked gt asked this year.. Davina on her own is just too gushy and sweetie sweetie with them.

But I agree the HMs get less time to talk...perhaps get rid of the celeb and keep the psych.....i like watching them cringing under analysis .......I'm ebil me Devil

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