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Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
And then he wonders why they don't joke with him in the diary room. Roll Eyes

Exactly. Thumbs Up
And I'm sick and tired of people accusing anyone who doesn't like his brand of repartee of being prudish.
Wrong - the bloke's an oafish, boorish pillock. And only people who are VERY easily pleased find him funny.

I agree. He's about as funny as Chubby Brown
Bolton Fan
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:

Why did I find it funny? Are the majority of women you enthuse about superior to others who do actually find certain humour funny?

This makes me despair. Is your judgement reserved for men like Marcus using sexual references in humour or are you happy to brandish your outrage at women who do this also? There is a huge percentage of women who make jokes about men, make sexual or bodily references about themselves in the course of humour and who talk about what they'd like to do to the men they meet and some are very successful on the comedy circuit.

Why did you find it funny?
Because you like Marcus.

I'm not sure what you mean, when you say 'the majority of women' I 'enthuse about'. I am merely explaining that the majority of women do not like men who talk in an aggressive tone to them, whilst using sexual language. Obviously, some will find it a turn on, some will just laugh it off, but most will, as I said, stear clear of such men.

I have no problem with sexual humour and I'm certainly no prude, but I just find him abusive, rather than hilarious, and you can tell that the women BBs being subjected to his 'humour' are less than impressed with it too.
Originally posted by fracas:
I would respect or like him more if in his endeavours to challenge Big Brother he showed eloquence, intelligence or wit. He hasn't.

I thought his DR rant a few weeks ago after the BB warning was one of the finest BB moments ever. Ever.

I agreed with him that time, because he was 100% right (regarding Sree and the "r" word).

But ever since, he's kicked off at the poor sod on diary room shift with little or no provocation at all.

Not because he's big, brave and clever, or even because he thinks he's right. But simply because he knows he can swear at and insult them with impunity, and they aren't allowed to give him the same back.
a one off comment like that can be funny, especially as I love Spinal Tap, but it depends who it comes from.

The problem with Marcus is that he has used such derogatory terms about women on such a regular basis that it is obvious that he has little respect for them in general and that makes any such joke coming from him unfunny to me.

If Freddy, Siavash, Dave or any of the other guys in there had come out with the quip, i'd be laughing my socks off, but with Marcus I just cringe as it's another in a long line of childish abusive shite he comes out with to try and make himself look like the hard man that he soo patently obviously ain't Sick

Humour gets its power from its ability to shock us into laughter.........Marcus' repetitious schoolboy humour is not shocking anymore, it's boring, predictable, and just not funny Sleepy
I agreed with him that time, because he was 100% right (regarding Sree and the "r" word).

Oh he was, he was Deman Nod

But ever since, he's kicked off at the poor sod on diary room shift with little or no provocation at all.

Not because he's big, brave and clever, or even because he thinks he's right. But simply because he knows he can swear at and insult them with impunity, and they aren't allowed to give him the same back.

I think it's quite refreshing to see someone who doesn't just crumple and obey everything. He's certainly worth watching, better than that numpty Lisa.

The only thing that has pissed me off about Marcus was his treatment of Noirin, he came across as jealous and controlling. He REALLY disappointed me there.

He's been a really good HM apart from that, and appeals to my peurile sense of humour Big Grin
a one off comment like that can be funny, especially as I love Spinal Tap, but it depends who it comes from.

Marcus is SO Tap...'we've got armadillos in our trousers!'

Swimming in a sea of retarded sexuality Laugh

but with Marcus I just cringe as it's another in a long line of childish abusive shite he comes out with to try and make himself look like the hard man that he soo patently obviously ain't

That's why I like him Blush
Originally posted by fracas:
I agreed with him that time, because he was 100% right (regarding Sree and the "r" word).

Oh he was, he was Deman Nod

But ever since, he's kicked off at the poor sod on diary room shift with little or no provocation at all.

Not because he's big, brave and clever, or even because he thinks he's right. But simply because he knows he can swear at and insult them with impunity, and they aren't allowed to give him the same back.

I think it's quite refreshing to see someone who doesn't just crumple and obey everything. He's certainly worth watching, better than that numpty Lisa.

The only thing that has pissed me off about Marcus was his treatment of Noirin, he came across as jealous and controlling. He REALLY disappointed me there.

He's been a really good HM apart from that, and appeals to my peurile sense of humour Big Grin

I prefer people who choose their battles, rather than turn everything into a confrontation, especially where there's no need for one.

He just strikes me as childish and petulant rather than funny - and I agree with Dance Settee's post above Nod
Originally posted by Carlos the Hackle:
'Lick my lovepump' - it's a quote from Spinal Tap.

Personally, I found it amusing, but then, I'm not prudish.

I also found it funny last night when he said that Leona Lewis needs his schlong, although I'm sure the blue rinse brigade were choking on ther Horlicks at that one too.

I don`t have a blue rinse but I am getting on a bit - and I think Marcus`s comments are funny. Prudishness has nothing to do with age.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
a one off comment like that can be funny, especially as I love Spinal Tap, but it depends who it comes from.

The problem with Marcus is that he has used such derogatory terms about women on such a regular basis that it is obvious that he has little respect for them in general and that makes any such joke coming from him unfunny to me.

If Freddy, Siavash, Dave or any of the other guys in there had come out with the quip, i'd be laughing my socks off, but with Marcus I just cringe as it's another in a long line of childish abusive shite he comes out with to try and make himself look like the hard man that he soo patently obviously ain't Sick

Humour gets its power from its ability to shock us into laughter.........Marcus' repetitious schoolboy humour is not shocking anymore, it's boring, predictable, and just not funny Sleepy
Nod and, Dance Settee,he deliberately does this sort of thing ;its always ON A PURPOSE Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by SJ:
Originally posted by wonder:
He has made so many vulgar disgusting comments to females on the production team , ive just said on another thread the most cringeworthy one was "take the sand out your vagina". Cant wait to see him evicted on friday

Did he say that rofl . I hate Marcus but thats a line from southpark, PML.

He'll be quoting from Bugs Bunny and Popeye next, the little tinker Roll Eyes

Originally posted by wonder:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Oh ffs people - get a grip!! Roll Eyes

do you agree with his sexualy abusive language to other woman? I respect your posts, you should everyone elses, thanks.

Yes i mean - get a grip! All this shite about 'abusive language to women' ffs its just the way he talks, am pretty sure he doesnt hear a voice and think 'oooo i'll be suggestive to her especially' - he'll say the same sorta thing to a male voice.

Too many righteous people on this forum and to be fair your all grating my cheese cos i am pretty sure if it was your 'favourite' HM you'd look past it (Oh and by the way I'm not a huge fan of Marcus)

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