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I like Fred and Marcus but feel that Marcus in particular crosses the line by being personally insulting to the diary room bods. These people are not BB and Marcus knows it, saying on one occasion 'you are not God, you are just a little man hiding behind a microphone'

In light of this, is abusing these people as bad as abusing any employee who is simply doing their job? In many workplaces that deal with the public you get those notices saying that 'we will not tolerate any abuse of our employees' , maybe BB should stick one of these up in the diary room! What do you think?

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Mmm i'm not sure.. because as it's supposedly a reality TV programme monitoring the reality of people being locked in and starved of the outside world, i think it needs to remain neutral and just do its job of recording anything which takes place whatever that might be as it is all a result of the actual event itself.
It's not just a job as such, it's recording for entertainment value which comes in all shapes and sizes according to what gets thrown at them by different characters. I understand and respect your point and to a degree I do agree with it, but i'm me.... I wouldn't talk like that anyway - and they are them and I think they are edited enough without being forced to edit themselves before speaking. It is this way we get to see who they are.
Originally posted by kimota:
I like Fred and Marcus but feel that Marcus in particular crosses the line by being personally insulting to the diary room bods. These people are not BB and Marcus knows it, saying on one occasion 'you are not God, you are just a little man hiding behind a microphone'

In light of this, is abusing these people as bad as abusing any employee who is simply doing their job? In many workplaces that deal with the public you get those notices saying that 'we will not tolerate any abuse of our employees' , maybe BB should stick one of these up in the diary room! What do you think?

I agree the swearing goes too far, but they'readdressing 'Big Brother'. I have a feeling that it's not a personal insult to the variety of voices they hear. Big Brother is the institution they try to rebel against, not a person.
cologne 1
OK they swore at the 'voice in the diary room'. Marcus especially because by now he does feel he 'owns' BB. Freddie did it too no doubt of that. But Sophie has broken the nomination rules, how is that going to be punished, or are they only going to punish Marcus, Freddie and Siavash the latter of whom seems to get away with murder?
Some very good points made here. I was just musing on the question when I posted it. I agree that the BB diary room guys are seen as being bb and are treated accordingly by the hms who are in a very strange enviroment, but it would be nice to see Marcus or Freddie apologize to the individuals concerned and explain that they are angry at BB, not the individuals behind the mikes!
Originally posted by kimota:
I like Fred and Marcus but feel that Marcus in particular crosses the line by being personally insulting to the diary room bods. These people are not BB and Marcus knows it, saying on one occasion 'you are not God, you are just a little man hiding behind a microphone'

In light of this, is abusing these people as bad as abusing any employee who is simply doing their job? In many workplaces that deal with the public you get those notices saying that 'we will not tolerate any abuse of our employees' , maybe BB should stick one of these up in the diary room! What do you think?

The only time I agreed with Marcus having a rant at BB in the DR was over the Sree situation. His rant to them was spot on and well, quite magnificent.

I don't, however, agree with him swearing at them at every given opportunity.
Freddie was fine when he was just friendly with Marcus, Bea has been his thorn IMO LMS.

Who know's if the three of them has said sorry to the DR BB's? They may have but BB's editting hasn't shown it. They, (like us), are victims to no LF or DR uncut!

Without the three musketeer's mini rebelions there would be zilch entertainment. Has anything else made any of you laugh?

BB is dead and buried this week if the nomination rumours are true IMO.
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Marcus is pathetic.....he's just trying to look cool and hard and failing drastically.

He comes across as a schoolboy desperate to impress his mates Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Siavash has a twinkle in his eye when he "rebels" - that is how it should be - done for a laugh.

Marcus is taking a game show too seriously just to score "man" points ....twat! Roll Eyes

Spot on! Nod
All this "I'm not bragging, right, but I'm too intelligent for all this..." crap - yeah? Is that why you're a 35-year-old window-fitter who lives with your mum, and get your kicks by trying to impress blokes ten years younger and swearing at a disembodied voice you know isn't allowed to swear back?

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