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This has been posted already...Just thought I`d post it again to see what you think of the last sentence. Erinp pointed it out in another thread....

CAN OF WORMS from CH4 website....

If we had one drinks token for every time Big Brother had told the housemates not to discuss nominations, we'd be staggering around with a traffic cone on our head by now.

Big Brother has threatened and tormented the rule-breakers with all manner of warnings and punishments - but to no avail. The housemates didn't listen. So now Big Brother is letting them have if their own way.

The group was gathered in the Living Room today to hear the shock announcement that all housemates are now free to discuss nominations "past, present and future".

David's jaw dropped, Halfwit let out an incredulous cackle and Marcus rubbed his hands together gleefully.

This is going to be fun, although the phrase 'be careful what you wish for' springs to mind...

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Originally posted by Duckypup:
This situation is confusing me. I'm assuming that there will be some sort of twist this week but what then?

Do we go back to normal nominations next week with all the HM's armed with information they didn't have before?

I can't see how this will work out for the best in the long term. Shake Head

I think it would depend on whether Team Lisa lost a member or two Ducky Nod
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
This situation is confusing me. I'm assuming that there will be some sort of twist this week but what then?

Do we go back to normal nominations next week with all the HM's armed with information they didn't have before?

I can't see how this will work out for the best in the long term. Shake Head

I think it would depend on whether Team Lisa lost a member or two Ducky Nod

That may happen if we get the twist we expect. Big Grin

But are they going to ban talk about nominations again next week?

If they don't the whole concept of the game changes ...and that sucks!

If they do... then the HM's still have a pretty good idea of how to vote tactically because of the information they learn this week..... that sucks too. Frowner

I just want a NORMAL BB. Laugh

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