Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
I thought that Charlie was telling the truth, Freddie has been trying to influence people against Lisa for weeks.
We can all see why he has been doing it but surely we can't deny that he has?
But Charlie was in the wrong about Freddie blaming Sophie in the cigs thing, he was wrong because he accused Freddie of scheming against everyone in the house, as if he is desperate to win...it's Charlie that is showing himself as desperate to win.
Unfortunately VS, Charli didn't give Freddie a chance to say what he was going to say about Sophie. We'll never know now.
He stood up for his friend when he thought she was going to be put down.
I watched the HL twice tonight because I thought I spotted Freddie 'throwing an eye' to Bea when she went into the kitchen to tell them about the fags. I was right he did but she didn't see it and he kept stum after that.
I did and still do like Freddie but the game playing is catching up with him.