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Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by fracas:
And as for halfwits face at the table!

Yeah, and notice how he got very annoyed and eloquent annd authoritative when Charlie pulled him up. Not happy at all.

Oh, sorry, I forgot, he's dyslexic, needs more time to assess a situation Laugh Like ****, Mr Damage Limitation kicked in pretty blooody quick!
He did! His face said it all. You could just see how annoyed he was that Charlie had pulled him up.

OR he COULD have just been shocked that Charlie was so UTTERLY missing the POINT of what he was trying to say, and, that TRY as he might he just COULDNT get Charlie to even LISTEN to him, let alone grasp the point, Shake Head

Yep Nod
Shame Charlie wasnt there when they were at the bus stop trying to work out how many votes they could get together. Also a shame he wasnt there when Halfwit suggested bea speak to Rodrigo to get him to vote their way too. And he doesnt scheme?! Laugh Pull the other one freddie!

It'll be interseting to see if they're pulled up on that. Blatant nomination rigging .................barefaced and shameful TBH.

No different from the conversations Lisa has had week in and week out. She wasn't pulled up for it, why should they. Smiler

i daresay there have been convos in the past .........never seen one quite as blatant as that though. Sheer bloody arrogance IMO..............not even trying to disguise it because they feel they have a moral high ground.
Clapping Very well put
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i agree...but......when lisa did it it was called as 'plotting/scheming/ganging up on freddie'.....surely it's the same thing now freddie is involved.......bea was clearly trying to influence a dave nomiation block vote....freddie clearly suggested she talked to roddy about it.....

can't be plotting/scheming/ganging up for one h/mate....and not the same for another

On that I agree, Freddie needs to get away from Bea's influence and also calm down about analysing everything to death, but I still don't think that they should be penalised when this sort of stuff has been going on almost since day 1.

nope me neither.......but i think freddie's denials to charlie about him plotting and scheming were blown out of the water with his convo with bea....

and she was tearful not cos marcus had a go at her about her shocked face.....but cos she thought she'd lost him as a dave vote imo.....
imo too!! You could see the look of panic when she was arguing with Marcus; imo she was desperately trying to work out what to do coz of the voting! She's scuppered it for herself! Nod
Little Miss Spurs
so ranting and raving a load of bull put him up????He was talking nonsense and did not give freddie a chance to answer because he knew he would shoot him down in flames!
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
As I have been saying i didnt like him for playing the good guy, not wanting to upset anyone so they wouldnt vote for him. I was sick of his fence sitting. But tonight, he has left all that behind. He has got the measure of halfwit in one! He said everything I have been feeling for ages. Well, Charlie, it took long enough, but well done! You were spot on! And as for halfwits face at the table! He knew it too! HAHA!! Caught out! Big Grin
Originally posted by lessa:
so ranting and raving a load of bull put him up????He was talking nonsense and did not give freddie a chance to answer because he knew he would shoot him down in flames!
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
As I have been saying i didnt like him for playing the good guy, not wanting to upset anyone so they wouldnt vote for him. I was sick of his fence sitting. But tonight, he has left all that behind. He has got the measure of halfwit in one! He said everything I have been feeling for ages. Well, Charlie, it took long enough, but well done! You were spot on! And as for halfwits face at the table! He knew it too! HAHA!! Caught out! Big Grin

absolutely lessa, he knew he couldn't possibly argue facts with Freddie, and didn't want to make himself look even more daft.
He is one of these people who as long as everything goes their way they are just a pain in the bum in a small way,like taking jokes too far etc. and lifting drinks that are nor theirs but when they get an excuse,even a rubbish one, they become tantrum throwers. He is more like twelve than twenty-two!and a badly brought up twelve at that!
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
As I have been saying i didnt like him for playing the good guy, not wanting to upset anyone so they wouldnt vote for him. I was sick of his fence sitting. But tonight, he has left all that behind. He has got the measure of halfwit in one! He said everything I have been feeling for ages. Well, Charlie, it took long enough, but well done! You were spot on! And as for halfwits face at the table! He knew it too! HAHA!! Caught out! Big Grin

He has not got the measure of Halfwit at all because he is to thick to understand what Freddie is actually saying. Instead, he has accused Freddie of his own scheming and plotting. Freddie's expression was one of exasperation and wondering how anyone can be that stupid.
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Freddie reckons he doesnt scheme? OMG!! Just after he'd practically suggested to Bea that she tell Rodrigo of her David theory, in the hope that he would add to their votes. Crystal clear that was! Shake Head And poor old David, comforting Bea; If only he knew what shed just been saying about him Mad

Freddie doesn't scheme. He analyses situations. If he was scheming, he would be plotting how to take advantage of those situations. He does not do this. But Bea does.
Originally posted by MysTerry:
Originally posted by BROXI:
Originally posted by MysTerry:
Originally posted by BROXI:
Staying in on Friday has made him an arrogant wanker too! Bit coincidental he's now being confrontational. Get him out!!

Well, Freddie is in the lead by a long way by that standard. Big Grin

And?? Still allowed my opinion that he's become what he accuses Freddie of!

Freddie's arrogance is a perfect example for Charlie to follow. Big Grin

One of the things I particularly like about Freddie is his lack of arrogance. To speak in an educated voice isn't the same thing as being arrogant.

Charlie does not speak in a posh voice, but he is arrogant, as is Lisa. Charlie, however, is trying very hard to come over as the cheekie chappy, but his arrogance can't help but peer through.
Originally posted by fracas:
And as for halfwits face at the table!

Yeah, and notice how he got very annoyed and eloquent annd authoritative when Charlie pulled him up. Not happy at all.

Oh, sorry, I forgot, he's dyslexic, needs more time to assess a situation Laugh Like ****, Mr Damage Limitation kicked in pretty blooody quick!

He was annoyed because Charlie wasn't actually listening to what he was saying or letting him finish, but was fitting his own interpretation on Freddie's words.

Freddie analyses situations and then makes his assessment of them, as he was trained to do at university. Charlie would take a lifetime to assess a situation.
Originally posted by Hurricane:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Freddie reckons he doesnt scheme? OMG!! Just after he'd practically suggested to Bea that she tell Rodrigo of her David theory, in the hope that he would add to their votes. Crystal clear that was! Shake Head And poor old David, comforting Bea; If only he knew what shed just been saying about him Mad

What a highlights show.
Confirmation of what Fred has been doing,Beatch and Fred colluding about nominations,the masks have slipped to waist level lol.

Bea and Freddie have both studied psychology so it is natural they will discuss the psychologies and personalities of the housemates. That is not the same thing as colluding about nominations.
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by fracas:
And as for halfwits face at the table!

Yeah, and notice how he got very annoyed and eloquent annd authoritative when Charlie pulled him up. Not happy at all.

Oh, sorry, I forgot, he's dyslexic, needs more time to assess a situation Laugh Like ****, Mr Damage Limitation kicked in pretty blooody quick!
He did! His face said it all. You could just see how annoyed he was that Charlie had pulled him up.

Charlie did not pull Freddie up. He is incapable of that. What Charlie did do is show himself up. Freddie, on the other hand, was annoyed that Charlie cannot listen to what is actually being said.
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Why do they all analyse everything ........why can't they just live together.

Because there is nothing else to do and nothing else to talk about. They are devoid of external stimulation. Freddie and Bea, in particular, have studied psychology, they so they will analyse the personalities more than the others will.
Originally posted by jennywren:

One of the things I particularly like about Freddie is his lack of arrogance. To speak in an educated voice isn't the same thing as being arrogant.

You are kidding right EekerConfused

Freddy is massively arrogant, he doesn't talk to people, he lectures at them. He obviously thinks he's much cleverer than anyone in the house, and there's not much evidence that he is.

Just watching him talk back to Charlie last night, with his eye rolling, patronising attitude and "i've already explained" sighs, made my blood boil Mad

...he reeks of arrogance......don't be fooled by his daft moments, he thinks he's a cut above......and no, it's nothing to do with his accent, he'd be a supercilious twat in any accent

Can't stand Charlie, but I thought he was great last night for giving the pompous buffoon what for.....he deserves a round of applause before I go back to detesting him Clapping Clapping
Originally posted by jennywren:

Because there is nothing else to do and nothing else to talk about. They are devoid of external stimulation. Freddie and Bea, in particular, have studied psychology, they so they will analyse the personalities more than the others will.

and where did you read that Freddy studied psychology???....he's obviously read a few psychobabble articles and maybe watched This Morning, but that's about it Roll Eyes
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by MysTerry:

Freddie's arrogance is a perfect example for Charlie to follow. Big Grin

One of the things I particularly like about Freddie is his lack of arrogance. To speak in an educated voice isn't the same thing as being arrogant.

Charlie does not speak in a posh voice, but he is arrogant, as is Lisa. Charlie, however, is trying very hard to come over as the cheekie chappy, but his arrogance can't help but peer through.

It's the words he uses that lead me to believe he's arrogant. Nothing at all to do with his voice. Confused
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by jennywren:

Because there is nothing else to do and nothing else to talk about. They are devoid of external stimulation. Freddie and Bea, in particular, have studied psychology, they so they will analyse the personalities more than the others will.

and where did you read that Freddy studied psychology???....he's obviously read a few psychobabble articles and maybe watched This Morning, but that's about it Roll Eyes

I'm sorry, it was Politics (not Psychology) at Oxford, along with Politics and Economics.
Originally posted by MysTerry:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by MysTerry:

Freddie's arrogance is a perfect example for Charlie to follow. Big Grin

One of the things I particularly like about Freddie is his lack of arrogance. To speak in an educated voice isn't the same thing as being arrogant.

Charlie does not speak in a posh voice, but he is arrogant, as is Lisa. Charlie, however, is trying very hard to come over as the cheekie chappy, but his arrogance can't help but peer through.

It's the words he uses that lead me to believe he's arrogant. Nothing at all to do with his voice. Confused

Eloquence does not make arrogance. There are people who misunderstand eloquence and see it as arrogance, possibly because they don't actually understand what is being said.
Originally posted by jennywren:

Eloquence does not make arrogance. There are people who misunderstand eloquence and see it as arrogance, possibly because they don't actually understand what is being said.

Well I can understand what he says quite clearly...and it's usually a load of bollocks Laugh

are you sure it's not you being taken in by the accent here Confused Just because he sounds eloquent, doesn't mean that the content is not mere waffle
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by velvet:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
As I have been saying i didnt like him for playing the good guy, not wanting to upset anyone so they wouldnt vote for him. I was sick of his fence sitting. But tonight, he has left all that behind. He has got the measure of halfwit in one! He said everything I have been feeling for ages. Well, Charlie, it took long enough, but well done! You were spot on! And as for halfwits face at the table! He knew it too! HAHA!! Caught out! Big Grin

I thought he went on like a petulent brat. He was so comical it was hard to take him seriously

I thought he simply spoke his mind ...........really didn't see petulant brat at all. They all have a go now and then .........why when Charlie speaks his mind is he a petulant brat? Just saying it how he sees it surely?
If he said it to Lisa , all would be fine! Roll Eyes
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by cup:
I have always wanted fred siavash and marcus in final

But i am not going to be blinded by some of the things they are doing and saying when i think they are wrong no way

You have to see the faults in them all because they all have them,and they all have good points as well

you can support someone even if they have done wrong,but i am not going to be a fool and defend something i think is wrong,and you are entitled also to think no thats too much for me dont like that at all i dont want to support them now

Some things really rile us while others think thats not to bad,well thats life

Big Grin
Clapping Good for you cup. This is what I have been saying since the start, but I still get attacked for dissing Freddie, no matter if he's in the wrong. Despite slagging Lisa in the early days when she was so horrid to him! Shake Head
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
As I have been saying i didnt like him for playing the good guy, not wanting to upset anyone so they wouldnt vote for him. I was sick of his fence sitting. But tonight, he has left all that behind. He has got the measure of halfwit in one! He said everything I have been feeling for ages. Well, Charlie, it took long enough, but well done! You were spot on! And as for halfwits face at the table! He knew it too! HAHA!! Caught out! Big Grin

well i can say the opposite he wouldnt listen and was a real pain totally ott last night ,it was all a mountain out of a molehill,left them all looking daft
Originally posted by lessa:
so ranting and raving a load of bull put him up????He was talking nonsense and did not give freddie a chance to answer because he knew he would shoot him down in flames!
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
As I have been saying i didnt like him for playing the good guy, not wanting to upset anyone so they wouldnt vote for him. I was sick of his fence sitting. But tonight, he has left all that behind. He has got the measure of halfwit in one! He said everything I have been feeling for ages. Well, Charlie, it took long enough, but well done! You were spot on! And as for halfwits face at the table! He knew it too! HAHA!! Caught out! Big Grin
Not a load of bull imo. Never a truer word said infact! Nod
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Freddie reckons he doesnt scheme? OMG!! Just after he'd practically suggested to Bea that she tell Rodrigo of her David theory, in the hope that he would add to their votes. Crystal clear that was! Shake Head And poor old David, comforting Bea; If only he knew what shed just been saying about him Mad

Freddie doesn't scheme. He analyses situations. If he was scheming, he would be plotting how to take advantage of those situations. He does not do this. But Bea does.
So annalysing, as in telling Bea to speak to Rodrigo, so their gang would get an extra vote? Confused Thats not annalysing. Thats plotting. IMO
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by jennywren:

Because there is nothing else to do and nothing else to talk about. They are devoid of external stimulation. Freddie and Bea, in particular, have studied psychology, they so they will analyse the personalities more than the others will.

and where did you read that Freddy studied psychology???....he's obviously read a few psychobabble articles and maybe watched This Morning, but that's about it Roll Eyes
Laugh Or The Jeremy Kyle show; They get allsorts on there! Wink
Little Miss Spurs
With me its just the opposite to the OP, I always gave Charlie the benefit of the doubt, but he seems to me to just be trying his best to do down his main competition for the winners spot! Charlie must be deaf or extremely forgetful if he really does'nt recall Lisa's early plotting. I know she mostly did this with Karly and Sophie, but I am sure he was not unaware of it!
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by jennywren:

Because there is nothing else to do and nothing else to talk about. They are devoid of external stimulation. Freddie and Bea, in particular, have studied psychology, they so they will analyse the personalities more than the others will.

and where did you read that Freddy studied psychology???....he's obviously read a few psychobabble articles and maybe watched This Morning, but that's about it Roll Eyes
Laugh Or The Jeremy Kyle show; They get allsorts on there! Wink

Now Jeremy would be a good person to have on the interview panel when Freddy gets kicked out Thumbs Up Laugh Laugh
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by jennywren:

Because there is nothing else to do and nothing else to talk about. They are devoid of external stimulation. Freddie and Bea, in particular, have studied psychology, they so they will analyse the personalities more than the others will.

and where did you read that Freddy studied psychology???....he's obviously read a few psychobabble articles and maybe watched This Morning, but that's about it Roll Eyes
Laugh Or The Jeremy Kyle show; They get allsorts on there! Wink

Now Jeremy would be a good person to have on the interview panel when Freddy gets kicked out Thumbs Up Laugh Laugh
And Graham waiting in the wings for the "aftercare" Laugh Laugh
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Its free speech on here

Nod and your views about Marcus and Freddie are bias to the extreme of blindness, and that didnt cost me a penny Thumbs Up

As are the heavily biased anti Freddie and Marcus dross posted on here.

At least most of us try and keep to the truth instead of making shit up to demonise HM's.

I think we are agreeing with each other in the same way Hug
hmm, like when you commented that Freddie never said anything bad about Hira you mean? Roll Eyes
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by jennywren:

One of the things I particularly like about Freddie is his lack of arrogance. To speak in an educated voice isn't the same thing as being arrogant.

You are kidding right EekerConfused

Freddy is massively arrogant, he doesn't talk to people, he lectures at them. He obviously thinks he's much cleverer than anyone in the house, and there's not much evidence that he is.

Just watching him talk back to Charlie last night, with his eye rolling, patronising attitude and "i've already explained" sighs, made my blood boil Mad

...he reeks of arrogance......don't be fooled by his daft moments, he thinks he's a cut above......and no, it's nothing to do with his accent, he'd be a supercilious twat in any accent

Can't stand Charlie, but I thought he was great last night for giving the pompous buffoon what for.....he deserves a round of applause before I go back to detesting him Clapping Clapping

Hear, hear Clapping Clapping ( and, "Dude" Angry)
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
As I have been saying i didnt like him for playing the good guy, not wanting to upset anyone so they wouldnt vote for him. I was sick of his fence sitting. But tonight, he has left all that behind. He has got the measure of halfwit in one! He said everything I have been feeling for ages. Well, Charlie, it took long enough, but well done! You were spot on! And as for halfwits face at the table! He knew it too! HAHA!! Caught out! Big Grin

Thumbs Up
He stuck up for Karly to Kenny, while all were sat there quiet, like. Smiler
Originally posted by MysTerry:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by MysTerry:

Freddie's arrogance is a perfect example for Charlie to follow. Big Grin

One of the things I particularly like about Freddie is his lack of arrogance. To speak in an educated voice isn't the same thing as being arrogant.

Charlie does not speak in a posh voice, but he is arrogant, as is Lisa. Charlie, however, is trying very hard to come over as the cheekie chappy, but his arrogance can't help but peer through.

It's the words he uses that lead me to believe he's arrogant. Nothing at all to do with his voice. Confused

I loved Halfwit's modest assessment of himself...'being clever means you can make observations...'. Not meant to hint at superiority, of course.

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