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Originally posted by evviva!:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by evviva!:
LMAO @ Scotty Hug

Your feller's got a better looking mouth. Charlie just has a gash (where his lips should be) Laugh

Laugh The red nose is similar though Thumbs Up

True Laugh

Aside from hating his mouth (SO much Nod) the lad just looks like some evil hybrid toddler to me.

Laugh Got it in one eviv! Thumbs Up
Originally posted by brisket:
Perhaps he doesn`t want his bed area disturbing because he has hidden yet more of the communal lager there.
Yes Charlie does not touching other people`s things include you not touching other people`s lager and other drinks?

Not averse to going into their drawers and STEALING, and drinking it all either. Much worse behaviour, but he's jack the lad and only joking.... right Charlie? Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by brisket:
Perhaps he doesn`t want his bed area disturbing because he has hidden yet more of the communal lager there.
Yes Charlie does not touching other people`s things include you not touching other people`s lager and other drinks?

Not averse to going into their drawers and STEALING, and drinking it all either. Much worse behaviour, but he's jack the lad and only joking.... right Charlie? Roll Eyes

Then twisting it and blaming others. But he didn`t mean it really. He loves everybody. Roll Eyes
I quite like Charlie Blush Bit of a 'daft lad' and not the brightest star in the sky, gets a bit moody from time to time and takes the 'pranks' a bit too far sometimes in that, 'it'll end in tears' way so typical of many young 'uns. BUT generally positive, kindhearted, joyful, up for a bit of fun, not nasty or spiteful and one of the least 'bitchy' or 'backstabbing'or devious in there...Just my opinion....runs for cover Laugh
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Charlie is just a spoilt brat. He has probably been molly-coddled all his life and told how funny he is by his doting relatives. You can just see him now standing up on a table and performing for everyone, enjoying the applause, and being a lovely loving cheekie wee chappie.

It's just now his mask is beginning to slip slightly, showing a more nasty and vindictive side to his character. He has also got a propensity to lose his temper in an uncontrollable way which was clear to see when trying to wrestle the mattress off Rodrigo. His little outburst today over his 'things' is his selfish self-centred self-indulgent streak coming out. If it's in there, it will come out and no amount of smiles and cutey-pie niceness can disguise it.

Spot on as usual Twee. Nod
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Charlie is just a spoilt brat. He has probably been molly-coddled all his life and told how funny he is by his doting relatives. You can just see him now standing up on a table and performing for everyone, enjoying the applause, and being a lovely loving cheekie wee chappie.

It's just now his mask is beginning to slip slightly, showing a more nasty and vindictive side to his character. He has also got a propensity to lose his temper in an uncontrollable way which was clear to see when trying to wrestle the mattress off Rodrigo. His little outburst today over his 'things' is his selfish self-centred self-indulgent streak coming out. If it's in there, it will come out and no amount of smiles and cutey-pie niceness can disguise it.

Spot on as usual Twee. Nod

thanks Scotty. I was wondering if Charlie is an only child. Have you heard him mention siblings? His request for the others to leave his things alone was very selfish but it also begs the question - was he hiding something? Someone else said about his stashing lager and goodies. But he's a selfish lad either way. He can dish it out but he cannot take it. Bea had to ask Charlie and Sophie the other night not to steal her alcohol when she went for a cigarette. Charlie makes his own rules but breaks everyone else's.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Charlie is just a spoilt brat. He has probably been molly-coddled all his life and told how funny he is by his doting relatives. You can just see him now standing up on a table and performing for everyone, enjoying the applause, and being a lovely loving cheekie wee chappie.

It's just now his mask is beginning to slip slightly, showing a more nasty and vindictive side to his character. He has also got a propensity to lose his temper in an uncontrollable way which was clear to see when trying to wrestle the mattress off Rodrigo. His little outburst today over his 'things' is his selfish self-centred self-indulgent streak coming out. If it's in there, it will come out and no amount of smiles and cutey-pie niceness can disguise it.

Spot on as usual Twee. Nod

thanks Scotty. I was wondering if Charlie is an only child. Have you heard him mention siblings? His request for the others to leave his things alone was very selfish but it also begs the question - was he hiding something? Someone else said about his stashing lager and goodies. But he's a selfish lad either way. He can dish it out but he cannot take it. Bea had to ask Charlie and Sophie the other night not to steal her alcohol when she went for a cigarette. Charlie makes his own rules but breaks everyone else's.

I`ve never heard him mention siblings Twee. He certainly behaves like a spoiled only child.
What`s mine is mine and what`s yours is mine.
Don`t anyone dare touch his stuff but he helps himself to others stuff, like drink. He steals. We`ve seen his greed before. He`s not to be trusted. That`s pretty apparant when Bea can`t leave to have a cigarette without asking him (and Sophie) not to lift her drink.
His temper with rodrigo over the mattress was pretty telling. Underneath the cheeky chappie smile, lies a quite vindictive, cunning person.

The shopping when he insists, with a quivering lip, he gets what he wants first before the communal food is completed, is selfish.
He doesn`t see it. He`s spoiled and self seeking. He pretends (badly) to care about others, he doesn`t. Charlie only cares about Charlie.
I read that he said to Freddie"Is that alright Freddie" Freddie says "Yes, but why point it out to me" and Charlie told him that he put a sheet on his bed and Freddie removed it ,Freddie can't remember doing that but took Charlie's request on board.
Charlie is getting desperate ,is he seeing his crown disappear? lining Freddie up for Mondays Noms.
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Charlie is just a spoilt brat. He has probably been molly-coddled all his life and told how funny he is by his doting relatives. You can just see him now standing up on a table and performing for everyone, enjoying the applause, and being a lovely loving cheekie wee chappie.

It's just now his mask is beginning to slip slightly, showing a more nasty and vindictive side to his character. He has also got a propensity to lose his temper in an uncontrollable way which was clear to see when trying to wrestle the mattress off Rodrigo. His little outburst today over his 'things' is his selfish self-centred self-indulgent streak coming out. If it's in there, it will come out and no amount of smiles and cutey-pie niceness can disguise it.

You put that SO well.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
I quite like Charlie Blush Bit of a 'daft lad' and not the brightest star in the sky, gets a bit moody from time to time and takes the 'pranks' a bit too far sometimes in that, 'it'll end in tears' way so typical of many young 'uns. BUT generally positive, kindhearted, joyful, up for a bit of fun, not nasty or spiteful and one of the least 'bitchy' or 'backstabbing'or devious in there...Just my opinion....runs for cover Laugh

You are entitled to your opinion, as are we all. I just find it really hard to see what you see!!!
alittle bit from channel 4 site after they passed task, hes really not happy chappy today

Bea, "Well done everybody – Tokens. We got five, but I put one in already for alcohol," she said excitedly.

But instead of congratulating her, Charlie had a face of misery. "What do you mean?" he asked Bea.

"Huh?" said Bea, taken aback by Charlie's obvious disappointment.

"We were going to ask for the Pimms and that," said Charlie like a spoilt child.

Resisting the urge to put Charlie over her knee and spank his behind, Bea told Charlie exactly what Big brother had said. "I said that Sophie wanted Pimms and I put the Token in the box but they wouldn't tell me what the alcohol was," explained Bea.

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