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Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by kimota:
Hira was a victim of people trying to save Bea and Lisa by piling on the votes. If it had been a vote to evict it would have been between those two!


Funny how the 'quiet' ones seem like really good housemates, when we actually get to see their best bits (so to speak)! Glance

A careful viewing of Hira's eviction show clips was very enlightening. After all the jibes about "how are they going to find enough material", much of the stuff that was shown were clips we'd never seen before! This was especially true of diary room clips - apart from tasks and one of her nominations, we were barely shown Hira in the DR previously.

Hira may not have been the most exciting HM, but neither was she anything like the "most boring HM ever" as John McCririck claimed on BBBM. (I can only assume he never saw Sunita or George. Wink )

What she was, however, was a victim of the loss of live feed and selective editing.
The first problem was partly self-inflicted: Hira went to bed early, so the only way we would see her at all was on the HL shows.

As for selective editing: I know I wasn't alone in finding last night's "Alice in Blunderland" sequence a real eye-opener. Not only was it an excelent lesson in how BB can manipulate our views of HMs with skillful editing, but it also highlighted what we've been missing. Quite a few viewers have since said that if those clips had been broadcast at the time, Hira would have been a lot more popular...
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by Noty:
Agree about the live feed generally speaking but I did notice in a conversation between Bea and Freddie, Freddie saying how her leaving would have no impact on the house. So in real terms, having her in 3D she was still pretty inconsequential

In other words, any way you look at it, she was/is; as dull as ditch water, irritating as ants-in-yer-pants, and boring as fook. Laugh
Cheers Noty! Thumbs Up Big Grin
Originally posted by Noty:
Agree about the live feed generally speaking but I did notice in a conversation between Bea and Freddie, Freddie saying how her leaving would have no impact on the house. So in real terms, having her in 3D she was still pretty inconsequential

The irony there is that Bea and Freddie were probably the HMs that Hira had the biggest effect on. Both of them on several occasions considered what Hira would think about a particular event or comment. Subconsciously, she was a moral presence and a calming force. Remember that it was Hira who single-handedly defused the argument between Bea and David.

Hira's influence on the house may not have been as obvious as some other HMs, but her absense will definitely have an effect.
Having said that, it's probably the manner of her leaving that will have the biggest impact. The HMs still believe it was a vote-to-evict, and this has caused the HMs to become paranoid and to construct bizarre theories as to why Hira was so "hated". Bea and Marcus have already made comments which, if they make it onto HLs, won't do their popularity much good...
Eugene's Lair

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