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IF there was a punch or any real physical aggro then it looks like they have decided to cover it up. The news story....


It was clearly a relief for the housemates to have passed the Shopping Task after weeks and weeks of basic rations and they fell on their spoils like locusts. The tobacco was missing, but they had some left, so it wasn't complete doom and gloom – that would come a bit later with the latest 'Chadrigo' incident.

Big Brother delivered some alcohol into the House, but as far as Charlie was concerned, two cans wasn't anywhere near enough. After an hour or so of begging and trading, Charlie managed to blag some cider which he gleefully knocked back. Bea, Marcus, Halfwit and Siavash meanwhile had been discussing Charlie's threat to walk if he didn’t get any more alcohol. So Siavash said that if he was evicted after Charlie walked, he would do it almost naked.

The funniest moment of the evening came when Dogface tried to explain how much she though the housemates would miss her if she was evicted. Her theory was that she reckoned that as she felt fat and unattractive, she missed herself every time she looked in the mirror, so she could understand how the housemates would miss her too!

Then, about 1.30 in the morning, after Halfwit had been winding people up by creeping around and tickling them in the dark, Dogface, Charlie and Siavash had just about had enough. They grabbed him by his arms and legs and dropped him in the pool – before all jumping in themselves.

…until a soaking wet Charlie climbed into Rodrigo's bed. Oh dear. You can guess what happened. Rodrigo was straight off to the Diary Room but instead of crying, he was actually quite angry and it took Big Brother quite a while to calm him down, before summoning Charlie to explain himself. After a mild telling-off, Big Brother reminded Charlie that he and Rodrigo are both adults and must start acting that way.

Get a room you two…


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Originally posted by Aquarius 11:
Sorry....I can't stand Charlie and it grieves
me that he will probably be there in the final
week. Such a wotsit (insert worst expletive in
the English language).

The director/editor of the LF was panicking last night and decided to censor most of it when it got heated so we just don't know what really happened.

Charlie is one nasty git. He deliberately jumped into Rodrigos bed wet just to make Rod mad. Rod has told him countless times to stop winding him up and he just ignores him.
Originally posted by paace:
The director/editor of the LF was panicking last night and decided to censor most of it when it got heated so we just don't know what really happened.

Charlie is one nasty git. He deliberately jumped into Rodrigos bed wet just to make Rod mad. Rod has told him countless times to stop winding him up and he just ignores him.

dont know whats happening because alot on here said rod punched charlie and thats why he was called to diary room.
ive no idea what happened and dont think bb will say either.

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