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There has only been one David that I can remember. I think hes ok, but too much time with Lisa is never a good thing. The one thing we do share is a love for Vivien Westwood clothes. I used to love her old punk stuff and have liked a lot of her designs over the years!

Just remembered another Dave, the Welsh gothy looking one. I was pretty gothy in my twenties too, so we have that in common.
Originally posted by kimota:
There has only been one David that I can remember. I think hes ok, but too much time with Lisa is never a good thing. The one thing we do share is a love for Vivien Westwood clothes. I used to love her old punk stuff and have liked a lot of her designs over the years!

Just remembered another Dave, the Welsh gothy looking one. I was pretty gothy in my twenties too, so we have that in common.

Ahem - he was Scottish, thankyou very much. We had quite enough freaks representing us in that series (Laura and Shanessa) without landing us with another one! Eeker Big Grin
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Wasn't there 2 x Anoushkas (sp) in the same series at the start, or am I imagining things? Not a common name at all...

Nod BB4 - they changed one of them to "Nush" and may as well not have bothered because the other was out first!

Thumbs Up I'm not going mad after all then Crazy
The Devil In Diamante

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