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Just read this from Digital Spy. It will be sad watching this Frowner. Cant believe next month will be 8 years since this terrible attack happened

9/11 phone calls to feature in C4 documentary

Channel 4 has announced plans to screen a new documentary titled 9/11: Phone Calls From The Towers.

The 90-minute Cutting Edge special, which will mark the eighth anniversary of the tragic events, will include recorded messages from people who died in the attack.

Channel 4's Simon Dickson said of the programme: "Eight years on from the attacks, this amazing film is a genuinely fresh approach to the 9/11 story, using very powerful recordings, some of which have never been heard before.

"The messages are an incredibly moving testament to the memories of the people who died in the Twin Towers and reveal the dignity, courage, humanity and love shown at the worst of times."

He added: "The victims' families, who have co-operated in the making of the film and provided most of the recordings, talk heartbreakingly about speaking to their loved ones for the final time as they watched powerless as the disaster unfolded on TV."

9/11: Phone Calls From The Towers is scheduled to air in September on Channel 4.

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Gosh what an emotional documentary that's going to be. Not sure if I'll be watching it though.

I do find however that documentary makers will stop at nothing with ideas for these things.

Do we really want to listen to those poor people's plights moments before their demise with that fear and knowing in their voices? Confused

Each to their own I suppose.
I don't think I have the emotional fortitude to sit through such a documentary. It's going to be tough viewing/hearing, for sure.

The only thing I find in its favour is that it will go to the very core of 911, something that has been forgotton during the nigh on 8 years of conspiracy theories and propaganda. In all that controversy, people tend to forget those who perished.

This will be a stark reminder of the true human loss that happened that terrible day in Sept 2001. May we never forget that among the war of politics.
Originally posted by Lazybug:
I do find however that documentary makers will stop at nothing with ideas for these things.

Do we really want to listen to those poor people's plights moments before their demise with that fear and knowing in their voices? Confused

Each to their own I suppose.

Thats exactly what I think too... do we really need to hear these last private phonecalls to loved ones?

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