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Posted 05 August 2009 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I wanted Lisa to leave but not sure now .. Marcus days are numbered

He needs to leave, he's a horrible man, that gets off on arguing, bullying, and general disharmony. Lisa is equally as bitter but more covert about it. I've often said if those two miserable gits were not on the show, I think the house would have had far more humour. Both Lisa and Marcus think the house and BB is about them, and the long standing feud they began in week 1 or 2, has spoilt the show, and they've used various HM's at different stages to get back at each other...I can't bare them both.

Spot on SR! Nod
Originally posted by JacksonB:
i thought the whole thing was really funny, people in shiny red leotards offering other people with silly hats outside, a pack of miserable playing cards muttering in the corner, a bloke in a suit looking through the window munching carrots. Laugh

Crazy Now, if I hadn't watched and just read this statement, I would have thought you were talking about a Monty Python sketch. Big Grin
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I liked it too, Marcus didn't know what else to so he decided to attack Dave Personally calling him fat(Marcus looked in the mirror lately love?)
and greedy a thief...Marcus is such a coward.

I think you'll find David started with the personal attacks on Marcus and was justified in his response. If David can't take it he shouldn't dish it out.
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by wonder:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I liked it too, Marcus didn't know what else to so he decided to attack Dave Personally calling him fat(Marcus looked in the mirror lately love?)
and greedy a thief...Marcus is such a coward.

His laughing was pathetic, he really does think he is BB now. He needs to be brought dowm a peg or two, the disgusting human being that he is

He was also getting off on all the arguing and negativity, horrible guy.

David saying to Marcus about him lying in a corner for 3 days sulking was something no one else has had the courage to do, they all thought it but never said anything. Marcus's false laugh walking out to the sitting room was pathetic. Big Grin
David most definitely came out looking the better man... he told marcus the truth, he then misheard one word, was informed by BB and was man enough to apopogise! much more then Marcus would ever have done...

David has gained brownie points after tonights HL's and all you marcus lovers, you just have to accept that,if you identify with marcus then you won't! which really doesn't matter anyway

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