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Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:

AHHH I love the way people who dont like somone hear what they WANT to hear, and after that it becomes a fact, repeated many times and added to so as to make it even better, and a BIGGER reason not to like like someone,

Marcus did NOT say," say that to me outside the house" NOR did he say "lets see if you are brave enough to say that when we are outside"
what he DID say was,...."you wouldnt dare speak to me like that if we werent in here"...or words to that effect,
can someone point out,
1/ where that was a in anyway a threat?

2/ was he lying?
cause Sree was/IS exactly the type of sniveling little backstabbing COWARD who would provoke people ONLY when he knows he would not have to take the results of his provocation,

and before you say that IMPLIES that Marcus would be "voilent" towards him,it doesnt,
example...EVERYBODY (I suppose) hates internet trolls, right? cause they say things to anger and provoke you/us all the time KNOWING they are safe behind their monitors,...and that is EXACTLY what Sree was doing (knowing he was "safe" behind BBs skirts)
Marcus was IMO not only SPOT ON in what he said, but acted with great restraint, I dont think I could have been so restrained, Nod

You must have Dave's hearing, OHG!

He definitely told Sree to say that to him on the outside and to see how brave he is out there.

Sree was called in, by Siavash, to add up the shopping list. When he started to add up, Marcus kept having digs at him, telling him he's not fast enough and sneering at him.

Is that what you call Sree provoking him?

Then Marcus decided to mimic Sree's accent, making Sree even more angry.

Is Sree not allowed to stand up for himself?

And yes, implying that Sree would not have stood up for himself on the outside, does give the impression that he would be right to be scared of Marcus, and I would agree with that.

You missed the part where Sree took the piss out of Marcus' accent saying 'alright mate, alright mate'.
The Guru
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Aww lil cuddly davey wavy being bullied again? Did he do that little cry again? It worked so well last time.

marcus DID Not threaten him, infact, David was more threatening when he stood up, looming over everybody! Nod

Still, at least David kind of redeemed himself abit as he apologised gracefully, he also made up with Bea....
The Devil In Diamante

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