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Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Nod Mad hate them. had them when I went to town today!! EVERYWHERE!! One of the buggers tried to go down my cleavage!!! Eeker

That won't happen to me...they'd be hard pressed to find it! Laugh

It is really muggy here today and the bloody dog killed the pool!
Well, Croc, Mine is not a lot to shout about, (not after 3 kids!! Roll Eyes) but the swine still tried!!! Laugh
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by lainy m:
In an earlier post i described how it appeared they were coming up out of my front lawn.........I have just been outside (it is safe now) and the lawn has several heaps or mounds of soil with little holes in them, I bet there were millions under my grass.....breeding and stuff.

There always are. A few years ago I freaked out when I realised there were a billion ants under my lawn, and went to war with kettles of water, ant powder, ant bait...all sorts.

I ended up with a knackered lawn, halfway to a nervous breakdown, and I actually drove them into the house! Even if you destroy a colony, another colony will just invade that space.

I learned alot that year. And I actually really like ants now. The ants under my lawn are my Territorial Ant Army... they are allowed to do their thing... so long as they don't come into the house! Big Grin

Once they've flown (the new queens are the fat winged ones, the boys are the thinner winged ones) they mate and then lose their wings and try to find somewhere to quietly start a new colony!

They are really cool! Big Grin
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Pengy:
Do you think they had a pact to come out today? there's flipping loads of them Ninja

Its to do with it being the right atmospheric pressure. Also, I did read that different pheromones are released by flying ants from different colonies, which triggers other colonies to "go forth and fly" Big Grin

well they is deffo going forth and flying Ninja
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by lainy m:
In an earlier post i described how it appeared they were coming up out of my front lawn.........I have just been outside (it is safe now) and the lawn has several heaps or mounds of soil with little holes in them, I bet there were millions under my grass.....breeding and stuff.

There always are. A few years ago I freaked out when I realised there were a billion ants under my lawn, and went to war with kettles of water, ant powder, ant bait...all sorts.

I ended up with a knackered lawn, halfway to a nervous breakdown, and I actually drove them into the house! Even if you destroy a colony, another colony will just invade that space.

I learned alot that year. And I actually really like ants now. The ants under my lawn are my Territorial Ant Army... they are allowed to do their thing... so long as they don't come into the house! Big Grin

Once they've flown (the new queens are the fat winged ones, the boys are the thinner winged ones) they mate and then lose their wings and try to find somewhere to quietly start a new colony!

They are really cool! Big Grin

Last year I watched a big fat winged new queen squeeze outta her hole into the sunlight, she spread her wings as if drying them ready for her maiden flight.....suddenly she took off and flew straight into a spiders web and was gobbled up immediately. Poetic justice.
lainy m
Originally posted by lainy m:

Last year I watched a big fat winged new queen squeeze outta her hole into the sunlight, she spread her wings as if drying them ready for her maiden flight.....suddenly she took off and flew straight into a spiders web and was gobbled up immediately. Poetic justice.

Laugh Poor ant! She'd probably spent hours getting ready as well, only to end up getting the life sucked out of her by Mr Wrong!

I can so empathise! Laugh

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