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Housemates are going through the looking glass for this week's Task, as they take on the characters from Lewis Caroll's famous story.

One housemate has been called to the Diary Room to collect a laminate to read to the group. The laminate lists the following roles, which the housemates must assign to themselves:

Queen Of Hearts
Knave Of Hearts
The White Rabbit
The Cheshire Cat
Playing Cards x 4
Mad Hatter

Housemates will have the following Tasks to do:

On Day One of the Task, Alice will be called to the Diary Room where there will be a bottle saying “DRINK ME”. She must drink the contents then go through to the Small Task Room where everything will be disproportionately large, including a huge cup cake, which will have a label saying “EAT ME”. She must then eat the cake, using only her mouth, until she reaches a key, which she must use to get back into the Diary Room. Once back in the Diary Room, everything will have “shrunk”, including the Diary Room chair. Big Brother will tell Alice that, in order to leave the Diary Room, she must produce real tears. To help her do this, Big Brother will recite sad stories, such as The Little Match Girl and Bambi, to a background of sad music like Adagio for Strings.

Queen Of Hearts & Knave Of Hearts
On Day Two, the Queen and Knave of Hearts will be told that they must bake and present Big Brother with a selection of tarts, which the Playing Cards must eat. These tarts will all contain unusual and disgusting tart fillings.

Cheshire Cat
The Cheshire Cat is famed for his very broad grin. For the duration of the Task, whenever a music track with 'smile' in the title is played into the House, the Cheshire Cat must sit on their tree, behind a magnifying glass, and hold a cheery grin for the duration of the song. If the Cheshire Cat fails to smile like he means it, he will fail his part of the Task. However, if the Cat stands and smiles when a song NOT related to smiling is played, he will also incur a fail.

White Rabbit
The White Rabbit is obsessed with being on time; he has a pocket watch which, in order to keep the right time, must be wound up every hour. Throughout the two days, Big Brother will tell the White Rabbit the time of their next appointment, when they should be at the rabbit hutch in the Garden. The White Rabbit must ensure that their pocket watch is consistently wound up so that they meet their appointments. The White Rabbit may be up to five minutes early for each appointment, but never late.

Playing Cards
4 Housemates will become playing cards; they must eat all of the tasty tarts made by the Queen and Knave.

Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland was forever enjoying afternoon tea. The Mad Hatter Housemate must become a tea tasting expert and must learn to identify 25 different teas. On the second day of the Task, they will be tested on their newly-gained knowledge of tea.

Day Two of the Task will culminate with a tea party in the large Task Room, complete with booze in tea pots, fingers sandwiches and a selection of cakes.

Let the wonderment begin...

The housemates have allocated their roles for the Task and by the look of things, it's going to be a particularly stunning representation of Alice in her wonderland.

Taking on the role of Alice is Hira, the Madhatter is Dogface, Charlie is the Queen of Hearts, Marcus the Naive of Hearts, while Lisa, David, Bea and Halfwit are the Playing Cards. That leaves Rodrigo as the Cheshire Cat and Siavash as the White Rabbit.

"It's likely the Rabbit will have to be out there 24 hours, so I don't mind doing it," volunteered Siavash, and no-one put up any objections to this one. Guess he can't wait to sleep under the stars.

"I want to be the Queen of Hearts!" shouted Charlie, and everyone agreed. So far, so easy.

"I want to be the ace of spades," said David, fixing his eye on a playing card.

As the rest of the housemates ruminated as to what the task might actually entail, Siavash had one thing on his mind. "I wonder how many carrots there are?" he asked.

Sadly none, as the Rabbit is concerned only with time-keeping. Wonder if he'll be a happy bunny?

This sounds fun Laugh Big Grin Wink.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

[QUOTE]Originally posted by darloboy07:

Alice =sophie
Queen Of Hearts =Noirin (i know she aint there)
Knave Of Hearts =Rodrigo
The White Rabbit = Norin again
The Cheshire Cat = Lisa
Playing Cards x 4
Mad Hatter = Marcus
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Task roles:

Alice - Hira
Madhatter - Sophie
Charlie - Queen of Hearts
Marcus - Naive of Hearts Laugh
Lisa, David, Bea & Freddie - Playing Cards
Rodrigo - Cheshire Cat <-------- he certainly has the perfect white gnashers for it.
Siavash - White Rabbit
So both newbie females have now performed the central role in the weekly shopping task (Aphrodite and Alice), 9 weeks in – and Sophie has still not had the chance to shine, centre stage. Frowner

The Mad Hatter will be a difficult role for her though!
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by mozart:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Task roles:

Alice - Hira
Madhatter - Sophie
Charlie - Queen of Hearts
Marcus - Naive of Hearts Laugh
Lisa, David, Bea & Freddie - Playing Cards
Rodrigo - Cheshire Cat <-------- he certainly has the perfect white gnashers for it.
Siavash - White Rabbit

Sophie should have been Alice, it's about time she gets a starring role in a task imo. I say that even though I'm not a huge Sophie fan.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
So both newbie females have now performed the central role in the weekly shopping task (Aphrodite and Alice), 9 weeks in – and Sophie has still not had the chance to shine, centre stage. Frowner

The Mad Hatter will be a difficult role for her though!

I just said exactly the same pretty much Smiler Frowner
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
So both newbie females have now performed the central role in the weekly shopping task (Aphrodite and Alice), 9 weeks in – and Sophie has still not had the chance to shine, centre stage. Frowner

The Mad Hatter will be a difficult role for her though!

I just said exactly the same pretty much Smiler Frowner

Just seen it! Big Grin

This could be a huge boost for Hira, popularity wise.
Cold Sweat

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