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Originally posted by tupps:
Imo, he's gone in as the Brian Belo character.. the daft, loveable one who views BB and the experience with childlike wonder.. getting at him would be like getting at a defenceless puppy. Except he isn't..

It's also interesting that he allies himself with one of the most acidic and toxic members of the house.. and that is after having the benefit of seeing some of the earlier BB (when interestingly she was at her worst).. water, levels and all that.

You see, I see Charlie as the Belo character in there, not David. I'm not 100% sure, but I think David may genuinely have such a simple view on life that he takes people at face value. Lisa is nice to him, so he thinks she's ok - I don't really see him as smart enough to be an ace manipulator..... manipulated though, yes, definitely.
Originally posted by evviva!:
Tuppsy, you have a mind trained to look at every conceivable angle (Ninja) And maybe Dave does have his own agenda.

It's just that, to me, what went down last night seemed tantamount to a big hobnailed boot kicking seven bells out of a puppy........ Disappointed

If something is too good to be true.. it usually is.. Ninja

I'm willing to be proved wrong about him.. but I'm seeing a lil bee-hatch (and one of Lisa's bee-hatchs to boot) who talks the talk but is quite astute when it comes to choosing to walk the walk. The fake crying in the garden when he realised he had a sympathetic audience was also verrry telling.
Originally posted by *KG*:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by *KG*:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
I only caught the tail end of the convo. Was he saying he was in a remedial class at school?
Erm ................ yes Ninja

Sorry, but I'm not going to become all PC and pretend that I didn't suss a couple of weeks back that he was in remedial classes, and neither will I do anything similar about Lisa's admission that they were called 'Dunce Classes' in her school - which I actually find repellant and appaling, BTW.

I think that David does have some learning difficulties, but I don't think that Lisa does, as by her own admission 'I didn't bother to listen'

I think that she does display huge amounts of intelligence and if she harnessed it in a positive direction - who knows what she could become?

Oh and before I forget, I also think she's really naturally good-looking and she looks cute when she smiles - which is not often enough, unfortunately Wink At many other times when I see her, she looks as if she's got a bag of spanners in her gob Mad

I don't like 'why?' she seems to want to be a force for negativity instead of positivity but hey - I only get to live my own life and not anyone elses
The Hms did an IQ test before entering the house and Lisa was the lowest of them all i think she her score was only 55.
IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, only measures certain kinds of intellect - mostly academic. I have a reasonably high IQ (think its about 125 and will dig-out my MENSA scoresheet that I did as part of my PGDip in Mangagement Studies. Was also Myers Brigged and can drag that out of the loft if anyone's remotely interested?) and can assure you that none of the questions asked have anything at all to do with music, art, literature or any other things that many of those we admire and revere - or actually excel at.

I'd have gotten a far higher score if there were more 'arty farty' questions, and I was shocked at the score I DID get because I don't really 'see' numbers like many really 'clever people' (as I perceive them as being)do.

Oh, I can do my times tables, long division/multipliation, fractions, algebra, percentages etc - even logarithyms, sines, cosines, once I know the formula.

I have been able to understand Pythagoras Theorem, since the first time it was told to me - but only because it related to words.

'The square on the Hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the quare on the other two sides'

I could only work it out because the words meant something. Not because Maths means anything at all to me, because it doesn't - much to the disgust of my Father.

All it meant, is that once you've established the length of the longest side of an an equilateral triangle and then squared it - it would be equal to the total of the of the other two sides of of the same triangle, squared.

But it only means anything to me in words - not numbers. And my own Father couldn't understand that so I'd be shocked if any of you do LOL!

If all of the brilliantly genius Greek Mathematicians, like Pythagora, could express themselves like he could (and we STILL use his and the theorems of many other of his ilk, thousands of years on) then I think many more of us would be able to engage in this subject - rather than be afraid of it, like I was, mostly.

I bet you've all fallen to sleep? PMSL! You are forgiven xxx
Huh? Confused Big Grin
The fake crying in the garden when he realised he had a sympathetic audience was also verrry telling.

i laughed at that, not because i don't like him but because it was so obviously fake.. i thought you lot on here would be straight onto that but i come on today and everyone's loving him... i'm not, as i said i am still figuring him out but some of his conversations are more telling than he'd like us to think - esp the one a few nights ago when he was eating in bed and talking to Lisa.. not the chatter of a defenceless puppy...
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by tupps:
Imo, he's gone in as the Brian Belo character.. the daft, loveable one who views BB and the experience with childlike wonder.. getting at him would be like getting at a defenceless puppy. Except he isn't..

It's also interesting that he allies himself with one of the most acidic and toxic members of the house.. and that is after having the benefit of seeing some of the earlier BB (when interestingly she was at her worst).. water, levels and all that.

You see, I see Charlie as the Belo character in there, not David. I'm not 100% sure, but I think David may genuinely have such a simple view on life that he takes people at face value. Lisa is nice to him, so he thinks she's ok - I don't really see him as smart enough to be an ace manipulator..... manipulated though, yes, definitely.

I see Charlie as an amalgam of all the cheeky chappy characters. It's like he has viewed every BB and has cherry picked character traits. But underneath it is a snidey lil git.

You don't have to be conventially 'smart' to be able to play the game or exploit situations. He's playing the daft loveable lump.. but he's not so daft or loveable when he's ripping into people with his mate Lisa. I also don't put that down to Lisa (although she loves a bee-hatching mate).. if he was the sweet, loveable, child-like lil chuchie face he'd like us to think he is.. he wouldn't take part let alone know how to.
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
The fake crying in the garden when he realised he had a sympathetic audience was also verrry telling.

i laughed at that, not because i don't like him but because it was so obviously fake.. i thought you lot on here would be straight onto that but i come on today and everyone's loving him... i'm not, as i said i am still figuring him out but some of his conversations are more telling than he'd like us to think - esp the one a few nights ago when he was eating in bed and talking to Lisa.. not the chatter of a defenceless puppy...

He is not as green as he is cabbage looking. I'm not saying he is any Einstein.. but he is not stupid.. he knows just how to exploit a situation.. just like Bea.
Originally posted by *KG*:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by *KG*:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
I only caught the tail end of the convo. Was he saying he was in a remedial class at school?
Erm ................ yes Ninja

Sorry, but I'm not going to become all PC and pretend that I didn't suss a couple of weeks back that he was in remedial classes, and neither will I do anything similar about Lisa's admission that they were called 'Dunce Classes' in her school - which I actually find repellant and appaling, BTW.

I think that David does have some learning difficulties, but I don't think that Lisa does, as by her own admission 'I didn't bother to listen'

I think that she does display huge amounts of intelligence and if she harnessed it in a positive direction - who knows what she could become?

Oh and before I forget, I also think she's really naturally good-looking and she looks cute when she smiles - which is not often enough, unfortunately Wink At many other times when I see her, she looks as if she's got a bag of spanners in her gob Mad

I don't like 'why?' she seems to want to be a force for negativity instead of positivity but hey - I only get to live my own life and not anyone elses
The Hms did an IQ test before entering the house and Lisa was the lowest of them all i think she her score was only 55.
IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, only measures certain kinds of intellect - mostly academic. I have a reasonably high IQ (think its about 125 and will dig-out my MENSA scoresheet that I did as part of my PGDip in Mangagement Studies. Was also Myers Brigged and can drag that out of the loft if anyone's remotely interested?) and can assure you that none of the questions asked have anything at all to do with music, art, literature or any other things that many of those we admire and revere - or actually excel at.

I'd have gotten a far higher score if there were more 'arty farty' questions, and I was shocked at the score I DID get because I don't really 'see' numbers like many really 'clever people' (as I perceive them as being)do.

Oh, I can do my times tables, long division/multipliation, fractions, algebra, percentages etc - even logarithyms, sines, cosines, once I know the formula.

I have been able to understand Pythagoras Theorem, since the first time it was told to me - but only because it related to words.

'The square on the Hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the quare on the other two sides'

I could only work it out because the words meant something. Not because Maths means anything at all to me, because it doesn't - much to the disgust of my Father.

All it meant, is that once you've established the length of the longest side of an an equilateral triangle and then squared it - it would be equal to the total of the of the other two sides of of the same triangle, squared.

But it only means anything to me in words - not numbers. And my own Father couldn't understand that so I'd be shocked if any of you do LOL!

If all of the brilliantly genius Greek Mathematicians, like Pythagora, could express themselves like he could (and we STILL use his and the theorems of many other of his ilk, thousands of years on) then I think many more of us would be able to engage in this subject - rather than be afraid of it, like I was, mostly.

I bet you've all fallen to sleep? PMSL! You are forgiven xxx

I get you, when I did maths and we had to show our work sheet of how we got to total I was always told I'd done it wrong even though every sum was correct....
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
i still like Bea... although she's treading a fine line.. looks like David has a fair few supporters on here- the new Brian Belo it seems.. hmmm.

It's the sympathy vote. Same for Brian and, I must say, for my favourite, Freddie.

Big Brother isn't about sympathy votes.

Is it about the nicest person?

Is it about the best gameplayer?

Is it about the most entertaining housemate?

What makes a housemate entertaining?
I'm afraid Bea came out of it looking more of a Drama Queen than David. She also came across poorly, and deeply patronising. Her attitude to Dave has complete snobbery at it's root.

Just when I start liking her, she reminded of why when everyone was gushing about her, I said back then I thought she was a pretend hippy, and very patronising. and my observation at the time wasn't a popular one. Bea is also very opinionated, overbearing, and a very bad listener.
Senora Reyes
I would have been at secondary school the same time as Lisa, she would have been in the year below me, not as that matters, and at our school we had what were called Remedial Classes for English and Maths.

As I remember, the kids who attended these classes seemed to spend most of their time then doing practical subjects, preparing them for work where most of the other kids, myself included were doing academic work with a small amount of practical (usually typing), to prepare for clerical jobs, or college.

I can't comment for David, but I would imagine as Lisa was educated at the neighbouring LEA to mine, she would have been taught along the same lines, and possibly just put in for a couple of CSE's, in English and Maths.

Bea was out of order commenting on that, as somebody who "supposedly" a hippy, surely she would accept that it takes all sorts to make a world.
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
I think it takes all sorts to make this world, for instance my brother is very practically minded, can do almost anything round the house and is not academically minded. I'm hopeless at DIY, can't even change a plug, and was academically minded.

Thankfully my brother managed to find courses at college that helped him, he had a rough time at school but now he has a good job and is happy and is always willing to do my DIY - bless him! Still I do his correspondence, and bookwork so we're quits there!
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!

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