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Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
QUOTE]I've done a thread about it, and I've said I haven't seen Lisa be any more nasty than any other HM in there.

Bea is a whiney little bitch who can't take what she dishes out, and needs to go!

I'm with you on both counts here, I don't quite get the Lisa hatred and I think her and Karly got a bit of a raw deal, much nastier ones in there that have taken until now to show themselves for what they are.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by tupps:
Is Hira mental.. he didn't say a bad thing about her.. not in front of you love but he sure did in front of ****ing Fennella!

Grotbags laps it all up with the usual sneer. Really hope she's on her way back to Brum on Friday. Lesbee aveen eet Thumbs Up

I have to question any HM who (having seen some of the show before entering.. and when Lisa was at her most vitriolic and nasty) would align themselves with her.
I've done a thread about it, and I've said I haven't seen Lisa be any more nasty than any other HM in there.

Bea is a whiney little bitch who can't take what she dishes out, and needs to go!

Ohhhh how soon we forget. Lisa was absolutely bliddy horrendous until about 2/3 weeks ago. As soon as it dawned on the daft cow that alienating a HM and making sure he is up for eviction week after week wasn't working.. she quietened down.

And oooo look... she is on the HL show re-grouping.

I love you but pray tell what is she suppose to do? it's a game show and there is always safety in numbers. At least she has never thrown one of her own under the train unlike the Siavash/Marcus/Noireen brigade.
I've just realised who Bea reminds me of and why I think she is good TV entertainment in a weird and masochistic way...

she is an upmarket version of Jade... all gob and tantrums and fighty 'tell em how it is' type person... except she won't get the pity fans that Jade got cause she is educated innit and should know better? Laugh
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by Mount Olympus:
I was loving Bea's work when she first went in there. . telling the HM's the stuff we'd all like to tell em. .last night she was cringeingly embarrassing with her behaviour but...

the house without her would be cack... just full of the fake hahaha's from Rod and Sophie [the laughter never reaches their eyes] and the nasally whines at the bus stop from Lisa and David or Marcus walking around like he thinks he IS BB, or Siavash adding more and more weight to the burden on his back that is his pride and Freddie having more orgasms over specks of dust.. [ewww that boy is creepy]

For that I want her to stay to the end to keep me entertained in her 'stumbling around from one to another mouthing off about this that or the other' way even if I she is being a twat and up her self a bit too much.. . and I wanna see her take on Marcus as I'm sure she would do eventually .. it's much better TV than what we got before she went in for sure.. Laugh

I may change my mind at any time tho if she oversteps the line too much Ninja
Problem Page

Dear Olly,

How do we deal with the fact that we find her as repellant and repulsive, as garlic and a stake, to Dracula?

Tell us? And we'll sort it1


think of a house full of Rodrigo's and Sophie's, mad pretendy drunk cackling HAHAHAHA's for the next 5 weeks Laugh

Or the cam permanently fixed on Marcus under is wankey Ninja

yours as ever. .blah blah etc.. Big Grin
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I'd be happy for Bea to go next.

Some people argue the point that by evicting Bea we will be strengthening Team Lisa's dominance in the house, but I don't really care too much about that anymore. There seems to be bitching on both sides of the divide nowadays, and it's reached the stage where no matter who goes it will almost always equate to one less nasty person.
Originally posted by Sooozy:
I love you but pray tell what is she suppose to do? it's a game show and there is always safety in numbers. At least she has never thrown one of her own under the train unlike the Siavash/Marcus/Noireen brigade.

Pucker up.. Valentine

She (Lisa) is playing it as she sees fit.. all good.. I don't like it and I think she's a contemptible piece of work, but one criticism I can't level at her is that she is being fake. I think she's probably like that RL.

Lisa is a load bullets and let someone else fire 'em kinda gal. People are just as expendable to her as they may be to others.. even if she doesn't overtly thrown them under a train.
Originally posted by *KG*:
Nasty, manipulative game-playing drama queen. She's feeding Marcus a load of lies too! He DIDN'T bloody shout at her!!!! Mad

And playing the old 'Bully card' was outrageous! Angry


Even Marcus thought that her butting in when he was talking to David in the kitchen was wrong. Haven't voted for any HM yet but would do if she's up (hopefully) this week. Hippy, my arse. I want her out!!
Ok Bea is melodramatic + crafty, but the show would be stagnant without her.

While she overreacted bigtime, David WAS pig ignorant to her in the kitchen. He was trying to be unpleasant to her - but didnt have the guts or the brains to see it out. Just loved his tearless crying too Wink

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