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After their success in the Caterpillar Task, housemates were treated to a hamper of treats and five tokens.

Bea had a chat with Big Brother about David and revealed that she suspects that he's the food thief. She described him as 'dull', like 'Yorkshire pudding' adding that Lisa's the gravy. According to Bea, he's just putting on a show for the cameras.

After her Diary Room chat, Bea moved on to Marcus to have a chat about... you guessed it, David. Marcus said that he tried to have a discussion with him but David just apologised straight away. This didn't sit well with Marcus because he wanted to have an argument. Bea responded saying that he's not 'her kind of person' and also called him 'boring' and 'fake'. Marcus noted that Lisa and David protest the most about the stealing of the food but are the first to claim any spare food when people exit the House. Bea and David later make up after their argument earlier in the day.

There was a spot of campaigning from Siavash who went to the Diary Room to request more alcohol. But then he turned to thoughts of a practical prank. He told Big Brother that he wanted to stay in the Diary Room for two hours so that housemates would believe that he had left the House.

He eventually left twenty seven minutes later. And what did he tell the housemates? That he was leaving. Everyone gathered around him in the Bedroom, berating him for lying but Siavash kept the joke up, folding his clothes up in preparation for his 'eventual' departure. He eventually admitted he was pretending. This didn't go down well with Halfwit and Marcus, who later had a chat about Siavash's prank. Halfwit didn't like it and Marcus felt that it was attention seeking.

But the pranks didn't stop there. Charlie told housemates that Rodrigo and David fancied each other. Rodrigo took him aside in the Bedroom and told Charlie that he did not appreciate the joke and not to carry on with it as he does not want to fight.

On the game front, Siavash, Charlie and Bea had a race to see who could eat jelly snake the quickest. Siavash won. After the snake contest Bea complained that her jaw really hurt and went to the Diary Room concerned she may have dislocated it.

And in another relationship twist Halfwit spoke in the Diary Room about him and Bea fancying each other, having an 'emotional connection' as well as physical attraction. He said being with Bea was like being in a trance, and that she was intoxicating.

Later in the Bedroom, Halfwit had a chat with Bea. Halfwit asked her if she fancied him and she said no. She said she was uncomfortable having the conversation and she hadn't been asked that question since she was 14. Bea turned away to sleep. Halfwit tossed and turned in bed trying to sleep.

What a night

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