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Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by feebs:
Originally posted by brisket:
Originally posted by Azure:
Our Fredie started it. Ninja

Freddie said he had " a feeling" about David`s behaviour.
Let`s remember that Freddie`s feeling may be proved justified.
I think David is lying and that he has taken these things.

I agree, I dont think Freddy would have said anything if he was unsure.
I think this is a opening for Marcus to turn some HM's against David for in Marcus's words "getting too big for his boots".
Freddie would have said something if he wasn't sure he as done it before. Think back to the rabbit scandal when he said he was there when we all saw he was in the bathroom. Also anything Bea tells him is gospel even if its the biggest pile of shite known to man.

Freddie might still be right about David...David the ever growing man.
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by feebs:
Originally posted by brisket:
Originally posted by Azure:
Our Fredie started it. Ninja

Freddie said he had " a feeling" about David`s behaviour.
Let`s remember that Freddie`s feeling may be proved justified.
I think David is lying and that he has taken these things.

I agree, I dont think Freddy would have said anything if he was unsure.
I think this is a opening for Marcus to turn some HM's against David for in Marcus's words "getting too big for his boots".
Freddie would have said something if he wasn't sure he as done it before. Think back to the rabbit scandal when he said he was there when we all saw he was in the bathroom. Also anything Bea tells him is gospel even if its the biggest pile of shite known to man.

I will take that with a pinch of salt longcat because I haven't seen you say one good word about Freddie yet.
Freddie mentioned it first...he had a 'feeling' about david snaffling food....marcus ran with it and repeated it to bea because he was still in spoilt brat mode over not being the 'most judgemental'....they should have dropped the 'judge' bit and he would have walked it....Bea being bea used this third hand 'feeling' to launch a missile attack on david.

So long as it isnt Hira's...I hope david is the phantom snaffler....but more importantly which low life has been putting water in sophie's shampoo Big Grin
So halfwit had a feeling... it is a sleazy feeling, that his summertime infatuation has absolutely no interest in!
Or to be really really real..The start of the next Sleaze Campaign on their chosen victim David!
halfwit is as skanky as beatch and pukus!
Sunday the day before nomday, accusations based on no proof whatsoever, remember, they are playing the viewers.. and remember beatch on Friday 'First victory for team marcus'
In previous years if a hm had done something that wasn't shown on hl and other hm's brought it up a few days later, Marcus Bentley would say 'earlier in the week, (insert guilty hm name) took Vera's biscuits and ate them', then they would show the clip of the accusations and fallout from them...... But this year is really bad for us being in the dark over things that have supposed to have happened, BB don't seem to be showing us any proof or referring to it. Does this mean that it didn't happen, or is it that in previous years we had seen it on live feed and thats why they referred to it. Confused

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