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Does anyone actually 'buy' these two as a couple? I could actually see Bea and Freddie or even Sophie and Rodrigo as a couple, or even (CHARLIE and Rodrigo,) and I even believed 'Bex and Luke' were a couple last year, but I simply can NOT get my head around Noirin and Isaac at all. Something just doesn't 'fit' for me.

I think Noirin is a horrid user, a humungous flirt and something of a sociopath, and HE is a complete arrogant git who really gets on my last nerve. In some ways they actually deserve each other, but they don't seem 'real' and there is something very 'contrived' about them.

The fact I detest both of them has nothing to do with this; I just do not see them as a 'genuine' couple. Anyone agree?

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They seem contrived.The whole situation seems contrived.There was more passion in her kisses with Siavash than the guy shes supposedly in love with.
I do understand they may be trying to avoid rubbing Siavash's nose in it,but where were the furtive glances...the sexual tension...the rituals couples in love have??

Maybe Isaac was an OK can we tell in a few minutes footage.....but the whole set up tainted him...and killed off Noirins chances on the show.
Originally posted by Duckypup:
At first I thought she wasn't intelligent enough for him. He's very articulate, her not so much. Laugh

But after seeing the "mirror dance"......
Isaac... articulate???? Laugh Isaac doesn't seem articulate to me - he just comes across as very thick. And he actually seemed like someone who was a brick short of a load tonight. Definately very odd Nod I would not allow any female I knew near him.... something is not right about him.
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
At first I thought she wasn't intelligent enough for him. He's very articulate, her not so much. Laugh

But after seeing the "mirror dance"......

The funniest thing about the mirror dance was his sudden reaction when someone walked into the bathroom Laugh

Laugh He covered well. I was impressed. Laugh
The only couple I believed in were Helen and Paul from bb 2.
Even Chantelle and preston seemed contrived just to make money.
I did believe in them as a couple at first until they went for the big mag deals and fairytale nonsense.
Noirin and isaac met on reality tv and are no more a genuine couple than noirin with
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I said on the first night he came in, that they look like they're in business, rather than a hot loved up couple. Issac is a Frat dude, bar owning reality TV veteran in the states, and Noirin has done reality TV, I believe that is how they met. Both fame hungry, both remind me of a younger version of Mario and Lisa.
Well said Nod

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