I think it would be apt to do a 'who said this' game. Get all housemates in the task room with a plasma. Question 1, 'Who said .........' Housemates spread out on electronic podiums (like the weakest link). Each h/m writes down who they think said it. How funny it would be to expose the lies that the hm's have told about it other. It would certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons
Forgot to add that they show on the plasma the moment the h/m actually said it.
I think it would be apt to do a 'who said this' game. Get all housemates in the task room with a plasma. Question 1, 'Who said .........' Housemates spread out on electronic podiums (like the weakest link). Each h/m writes down who they think said it. How funny it would be to expose the lies that the hm's have told about it other. It would certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons
Forgot to add that they show on the plasma the moment the h/m actually said it.