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I think it would be apt to do a 'who said this' game. Get all housemates in the task room with a plasma. Question 1, 'Who said .........' Housemates spread out on electronic podiums (like the weakest link). Each h/m writes down who they think said it. How funny it would be to expose the lies that the hm's have told about it other. It would certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons Big Grin

Forgot to add that they show on the plasma the moment the h/m actually said it.

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Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by shar69:
Hello Super, hows you

Still got the Piggy thing! How's you fellow insomniac?

I thought I saw that you had said that in another thread, but I kept missing you to ask if you was ok. How are you feeling with it, I hope your over the worst of it. Hug

I'm good thanks, everyone around us are dropping like flies with the piggy flu, but so far so good, none of us have got it yet.
Originally posted by shar69:
I'm good thanks, everyone around us are dropping like flies with the piggy flu, but so far so good, none of us have got it yet.

Feling pretty weak and washed out, not as bad as I'd imagined it, just ergg rather than death bed if that makes sense, but my sleep patterns are more shot than ever!
How did you feel about the Noirin interview and Isaac joining her on BBBM?...He looked really mean/contained/controlling to me and I was a bit worried about how he'd be with her once the cameras were off
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by shar69:
I'm good thanks, everyone around us are dropping like flies with the piggy flu, but so far so good, none of us have got it yet.

Feling pretty weak and washed out, not as bad as I'd imagined it, just ergg rather than death bed if that makes sense, but my sleep patterns are more shot than ever!
How did you feel about the Noirin interview and Isaac joining her on BBBM?...He looked really mean/contained/controlling to me and I was a bit worried about how he'd be with her once the cameras were off

I know what you mean, sometimes its worse when you just feel really crappy, think it messes you up more because your head is telling you its not that bad, but your body doesn't agree with your head.

As for Isaac, I thought he looked confused. But he does come across as controlling and I guess it explains how Marcus managed to control Noirin so easily. It's a shame, I would have loved to see the look on Bea's face if Marcus had been evicted. I think it would have put the fear of God in her Big Grin
Originally posted by shar69:

As for Isaac, I thought he looked confused. But he does come across as controlling and I guess it explains how Marcus managed to control Noirin so easily. It's a shame, I would have loved to see the look on Bea's face if Marcus had been evicted. I think it would have put the fear of God in her Big Grin

Ya know Shar, these things can all be a bit of a laugh, but, as much as I didn't like Noirin, off camera I was a bit scared for her....Bea would never have got in the clutches of a controlling guy, Noirin is v v vulnersble to it, despite the 'tough' act...I hope I'm wrong but he bliddy scared me
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by shar69:

As for Isaac, I thought he looked confused. But he does come across as controlling and I guess it explains how Marcus managed to control Noirin so easily. It's a shame, I would have loved to see the look on Bea's face if Marcus had been evicted. I think it would have put the fear of God in her Big Grin

Ya know Shar, these things can all be a bit of a laugh, but, as much as I didn't like Noirin, off camera I was a bit scared for her....Bea would never have got in the clutches of a controlling guy, Noirin is v v vulnersble to it, despite the 'tough' act...I hope I'm wrong but he bliddy scared me

Yeah he does come across as intimidating doesn't he. She does seem to have a really good strong family around her and she was away from him for 6 months. She was able to tell him she would not give up her job to move to the States, so that makes me think that she can't be scared of him, otherwise she would have done as he said (fingers crossed). I guess its a case of 'watch this space'. We will probably see more on Sundays BBLB. We can have a good old conflab about it in the early hours of Monday morning. Oh super, you've really got me worried now, my minds doing flips.
Originally posted by shar69:
Oh super, you've really got me worried now, my minds doing flips.

Sorry Shar Hug just hope I'm wrong, but doubt it e.g. she's thinking/he's got her thinking that it's time for her to move away from family now, he made 'jokes' about her wearing a hijab , she thinks he came to,'save her from Siavash,' he keeps convincing himself that she just had a few 'drunken snogs,' and she wants him to believe that, the minute he came into the house he alienated her from all of her 'friends' who could have advised her, Bea in easily is she manipulated by men who she thinks are 'wiser' than her? It f'in scares the s**t outta me.
Now, what were we saying about 'fun' tasks
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by shar69:
Oh super, you've really got me worried now, my minds doing flips.

Sorry Shar Hug just hope I'm wrong, but doubt it e.g. she's thinking/he's got her thinking that it's time for her to move away from family now, he made 'jokes' about her wearing a hijab , she thinks he came to,'save her from Siavash,' he keeps convincing himself that she just had a few 'drunken snogs,' and she wants him to believe that, the minute he came into the house he alienated her from all of her 'friends' who could have advised her, Bea in easily is she manipulated by men who she thinks are 'wiser' than her? It f'in scares the s**t outta me.
Now, what were we saying about 'fun' tasks

You know what, it did niggle at me that she told him that she kissed siavash and slept in the same bed as him for the last few nights, he kept saying that it was a drunken kiss. I thought he was only saying that to shoot Bea down. Bliddy facinates me how we can watch something and not think anything of it until someone points it out.

I better go try catch a few hours sleep. Will speak to you later, goodnight Hug
Originally posted by shar69:

You know what, it did niggle at me that she told him that she kissed siavash and slept in the same bed as him for the last few nights, he kept saying that it was a drunken kiss. I thought he was only saying that to shoot Bea down. Bliddy facinates me how we can watch something and not think anything of it until someone points it out.

I better go try catch a few hours sleep. Will speak to you later, goodnight Hug

I just watched the vids on C4, she keeps saying how much she loves him, he NEVER says it or anything approaching it. Remember when he came in and 'made' her apologise for what she'd done and asked her to never drink again?..She did as he asked... If he's not mad at her then I'm bliddy Mother Theresa Smiler 'Tis easy to get caught up in her other behaviours, even she believes it sometimes, and 'tis easy to castigate Bea for pointing out what really happened..that sent the poor girl into a complete blind panic, BUT, Bea could have been her saviour if only she'd listened. Shame Bea wasn't mature enough to 'take it on the chin' keep with it and continue to be her 'friend' rather than turn against her, Hey Ho, Isaac won and plenty of fms on here were pleased that he'd 'owned her' Roll Eyes

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