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hope its ok me doing this and i int offending anybody with updates. Blush

Earlier this morning, Bea stepped in to defend Siavash's honour and had a massive barney with Noirin. The only thing is, Siavash actually didn't want her to get involved, as he's told her several times. In fact Siavash seems to be the only person in the House who doesn't want to talk about the Noirin/Isaac situation.

Siavash was in the Garden with Marcus when news reached them of the row going on in the Bedroom. "I don't understand how this has become Bea's battle!" he said despairingly to Marcus. "Don't they understand how every time they say something it makes me look like a bigger ****?"

So Siavash must already been feeling like a **** if now he feels like a bigger one. Poor ****.

"It's happened, I just want to forget it now," he continued. "Why are they having a talk about stuff that's got nothing to do with them?"

"Just soldier through it," advised Marcus. Yeah, when Marcus's feelings got hurt last week he handled the whole thing with total dignity...

"I'm trying to soldier through it, but if people keep on talking about it, how can I?" replied Siavash, looking miserable.

After the fight blew over and Noirin stormed out of the Bedroom, Siavash headed in. Bea immediately attempted to tell him her side of the story but he interrupted her. "Can you please, I beg of everyone, if you're my friends, can you not talk about this whole thing ever again? Yes, Bea? Never again?"

Bea nodded sheepishly.

"Just leave it," he added.

Bea valiantly left it for a good minute and a half before telling him, "I really hope she goes. Honestly hon, she's something else."

"Oh, I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know," moaned Siavash.

Bad luck Siavash - we think you're going to be hearing a lot more about this one...

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by tupps:
Well.. the way I see it, Bea voiced her opinion in her conversation with Noirin. She's entitled to: opinions are after all like arseholes.

Siavash just wants it all to go away. He wants to do a Dallas and wake up the next morning and it all be a bad dream. Well.. it isn't. Sand.. bury head.. doesn't equal it goes away.

Siavash wants to be an ostrich Nod
Originally posted by Pengy:
Originally posted by tupps:
Well.. the way I see it, Bea voiced her opinion in her conversation with Noirin. She's entitled to: opinions are after all like arseholes.

Siavash just wants it all to go away. He wants to do a Dallas and wake up the next morning and it all be a bad dream. Well.. it isn't. Sand.. bury head.. doesn't equal it goes away.

Siavash wants to be an ostrich Nod

Get some balls Siavash, stop being a mouse and show some righteous and justified moral indignation.

If the half-ape man had been treated as you have, he would have been beating his chest and defecating all around the house.

Bea is doing and saying what has to be done, back her up and don't be a wimp, for once don't let your clothes do the talking and stop mumbling!
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Thanks Justafriend Thumbs Up, he's right why is Bea poking her nose in and he jsut wants to forget about it.

That would make him a wimp. Bea is showing him the way instead of pushing it under the carpet and wishing it away.

Be a grown up Siavash and watch the girl show you how! Have some self-respect and stop hiding under a duvet!
I reckon isaac will end up closer to siavash than bea will...siavash already knows bea's game. It'll be fun until she picks off the popular hms.

I give her next week to concentrate on isaac....that'll go down ok, but others will start to see through her.

The following week she'll start on lisa and then charlie, rodders and david will be against her.There's trouble ahead. Shake Head
Originally posted by fz:
I reckon isaac will end up closer to siavash than bea will...siavash already knows bea's game. It'll be fun until she picks off the popular hms.

I give her next week to concentrate on isaac....that'll go down ok, but others will start to see through her.

The following week she'll start on lisa and then charlie, rodders and david will be against her.There's trouble ahead. Shake Head

i think youre probably right fz Smiler
Siavash has been royally humiliated and is probably still trying to make sense of things.Let him lick his wounds.
Bea did the right thing by telling Noirin what a cah she is. Noirin (with Daddy's back-up) resorted to the foul language and showed herself up (job done Bea).
I am really loving Bea's tactics today, but that may change tomorrow.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Get some balls Siavash, stop being a mouse and show some righteous and justified moral indignation.

If the half-ape man had been treated as you have, he would have been beating his chest and defecating all around the house.

Bea is doing and saying what has to be done, back her up and don't be a wimp, for once don't let your clothes do the talking and stop mumbling!

Absolutely! BTW that middle sentence is priceless! Laugh
There's a fine line between friendly support and loyalty, and downright interference. Bea is crossing that line with her 'dog with a bone' attitude. Unfortunately she cannot see that she is causing so much negativity, that she herself has said she hates. I so wanted her to be a feisty and no nonsense woman, but she's letting herself down very badly at the moment! Frowner
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Siavash has been royally humiliated and is probably still trying to make sense of things.Let him lick his wounds.
Bea did the right thing by telling Noirin what a cah she is. Noirin (with Daddy's back-up) resorted to the foul language and showed herself up (job done Bea).
I am really loving Bea's tactics today, but that may change tomorrow.
You said it for me to Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Originally posted by Mount Olympus:
oh and am loving Siavash's embarrassment in all this..

shit on a women, (GF or non GF depending upon which way his richard is pointing) it comes back to slap ya in the face Laugh

My jury's still out on whether Siavash really does have a GF outside Olly Confused
So is mine.. but from the house point of view he's kinda played it for too long that he did.. so that is where I am coming from..

I am feeling in a devilish mood today so all this telling people how it is and the infighting is making me laugh a lot. . am loving it, just wish I could see it too. . Ninja

tis better than the earleir bullying type behaviour directed towards Freddie and the deep long heavy chats etc... that was either not nice viewing or depressing and boring after a while... this cat fighting and bitching and fluffing up of feathers stuff is kinda funny BB TV for me. .

but tomorrow my mood may change I and I may hate it all again.. I am a tad fickle where BB is concerned nowadays Big Grin
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by greenandpink:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Siavash has been royally humiliated and is probably still trying to make sense of things.Let him lick his wounds.
Bea did the right thing by telling Noirin what a cah she is. Noirin (with Daddy's back-up) resorted to the foul language and showed herself up (job done Bea).
I am really loving Bea's tactics today, but that may change tomorrow.
You said it for me to Thumbs Up

And me... Smiler
I think that Bea is going to turn this all round and plonk it squarely at Siavash's door. I think he is going to be her next target. Or maybe it will be freddie. Will be interesting to see fm's views on her then. She is somewhat of a hero at the moment because she is aiming her fire at Noirin, but Noirin is going tonight. Lisa answered her back and argued with her the other day, Bea hasn't quite got the measure of Lisa. I think she goes in for the kill when see smells another persons defeat. I think that maybe Noirins description of herself is also a rather apt description of Bea.

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