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Originally posted by Essex Angel:
I was out and taped it, I've just watched, the minute Isaac walked through the door with the fish & chips Noirin let out a shriek, yet he hadn't removed his helmet, I think she knew he was going in.

There were two reactions: when he first entered the house, Noirin (like the others) was smiling and laughing because there was a new person (and presumably a new HM) in the house. Then when she got closer, she let out a shocked scream - she'd clearly just recognized him. (And desite what some have claimed, recognizing a loved-one who's wearing a crash helmet isn't that unlikely.)

As for her knowing he was going in: this has been discussed at length, and I'm still not buying it. Yes, they've been speculating about the possibility for days, but they've also been speculating that Siavash's girlfriend might enter the house. My guess is that they just got suspicious after Kenneth's entry.

I still think it would be funny to send in Dave's dad, though... Wink
Eugene's Lair
"Then when she got closer, she let out a shocked scream - she'd clearly just recognized him. (And desite what some have claimed, recognizing a loved-one who's wearing a crash helmet isn't that unlikely.)"

But he spoke before he raised the visor! She must have recognised his voice! Also, she was actually looking down at the table when she screamed out that it was her boyfriend.

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