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Poor Noirin. With such a tenuous grasp of the situation she's found herself in, she looked like she honestly thought it would all be fine with Siavash. Possibly, inside Noirin's head, she was watching a film about how it would all turn out. And in her version, everyone hugged and said 'I love you' to each other. Reality, however, was not quite as rosy…

"There's nothing to talk about Noirin – it's all good. You don't owe me nothing, it's all good. I don't know what you can say," Siavash said to Noirin as she tried to explain herself.

"Can I say I never wanted this to happen?" asked Noirin. "Can I say that I think you're a really cool guy?" she added

"What has happened has happened. No grudges," said Siavash quietly. "This is three times now Noirin. Three times you've ****** me over. Good luck. There's not much to be said," he added.

"I did say we were having fun and we were just friends," said Noirin. "I'm sorry I've upset you."

"I'm quite sure if we were to be friends, somewhere down the line you would do something like this again," Siavash continued. "We had a laugh and it didn't mean **** all, so it's all good."

"What would you do if you were in my position?" Noirin asked quietly.

"I would leave," replied Siavash.

"So you think I should leave," asked a shocked Noirin.

"Yeah. You're not doing yourself any favours," said Siavash sulkily.

"What did you honestly expect me to do – ignore the guy I've been with for the past three years?" asked Noirin getting a bit angry.

And then Siavash raised the stakes. "I kind of feel that I was part of your storyline," said Siavash, "and it's not a good feeling Noirin."

Noirin was flushed with rage. "Everyone knows here who was the one chasing me, so don't ******* act like I'm the one," she spat at him. "You're making out that I should leave because everyone hates me."

"Noirin, what people think of you has got nothing to do with me," replied Siavash coolly.

Big Grin

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And I especially love this bit. Big Grin *Pah, pah pow!* Laugh

Originally posted by Sunnie:
And then Siavash raised the stakes. "I kind of feel that I was part of your storyline," said Siavash, "and it's not a good feeling Noirin."

Noirin was flushed with rage. "Everyone knows here who was the one chasing me, so don't ******* act like I'm the one," she spat at him. "You're making out that I should leave because everyone hates me."

"Noirin, what people think of you has got nothing to do with me," replied Siavash coolly.

Big Grin

Can't get enough. Big Grin Thanks Sunnie. Thumbs Up Cool
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Such a shame that Siavash didn't see what Noirin was like BEFORE he got emotionally involved - or did he? He saw what Noirin did with both Sree and Marcus, commented on it, yet still became involved???

I have to wonder if he was really involved, emotionally, or just wanted to show her as the manipulating siren that she is?
I doubt it.
If Isaac hadn't came in he would be happy enough to be seen as the one who finally got the girl.
I think it appealed to his ego. Nod
Originally posted by stupidcupid:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Such a shame that Siavash didn't see what Noirin was like BEFORE he got emotionally involved - or did he? He saw what Noirin did with both Sree and Marcus, commented on it, yet still became involved???

I have to wonder if he was really involved, emotionally, or just wanted to show her as the manipulating siren that she is?
I doubt it.
If Isaac hadn't came in he would be happy enough to be seen as the one who finally got the girl.
I think it appealed to his ego. Nod

YOu could be right. I have never seen Siavash as having a big ego though - not compared with Sree or Marcus, or even Tom.

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