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I voted on the Shopping Task and said the following:

Woohoooo well done! Now get Marcus out.

BB emailed me saying this.

Sorry, but a comment you added on has been removed because it broke the terms and conditions.

• Make sure there's no music, pictures or footage in your work that you don't own the rights to. Even if it's just a snippet of your favourite tune, we still can't accept it.

• Don't reveal any private info about yourself or anyone else, such as contact details.

• Don't include anything that is offensive, obscene, threatening or indecent (seriously, nobody wants to see your rude bits).

• You must have the consent of everyone in your video or image.

• Don't say untrue things about people or companies.

• If you write or say some thing in a language other than English, it may be deleted (sorry, but we all failed our language GCSEs).

• Please don't spam us, or post multiple web links.

I must of offended some of Marcus's fans Glance

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ahhh, doesn't it just bring back memories... all those rules, trying to see which one of those rules your perceived sin broke, before putting together a sickly sweet grovelling "please can I come back" email through gritted teeth!

Its like comparing an old inferior rat of a boyfriend to the current love of your life! Big Grin
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Ahhh, doesn't it just bring back memories... all those rules, trying to see which one of those rules your perceived sin broke, before putting together a sickly sweet grovelling "please can I come back" email through gritted teeth!

Its like comparing an old inferior rat of a boyfriend to the current love of your life! Big Grin
PMFSL! Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh

That just sums up my BBGF career, in a nutshell! Valentine
Somehow, my grovelling emails to return never quite hit the spot Frowner

So I just got 'new outfits' and came back anyway! Laugh

I left for a few months though because I got sick of being banned for what others weren't being Mad
Originally posted by *KG*:
Somehow, my grovelling emails to return never quite hit the spot Frowner

So I just got 'new outfits' and came back anyway! Laugh

I left for a few months though because I got sick of being banned for what others weren't being Mad

Big Grin You had to write them in the tone a chastised 5 year old would use... i.e. "I am very very sorry, I was very very bad, I now see that I was very very bad and nothing could excuse my behaviour. I promise I will behave myself in the future." Sick

(and then try and erase the self loathing you felt for actually having to send such tripe!)

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