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Originally posted by *KG*:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by Flossie:
By the way in one thread you refer to Isaac as "a broke down Justin Timberlake", that should have been "broken down". You should get to grips with the difference between a verb and an adjective.

You are a right pedantic fecker arent you Laugh

Well it is just that Tupps needs my help.
Oh FGS, I'm not particularly keen on text-speak but as long as I can keep up with what's being said - I'm pretty cool.

And you're now talking about verbs and adjectives? This is not a school classroom and your purpose here is not to teach, or reprimand.

I wouldn't have mentioned it except for Tupps couldn't resist having a dig at me just before on my misspelling of sibling on a thread yesterday. I don't drag up irrelevant issues in a post but she seems incapable for whatever reason. I suspect that in future arguments over Noirin in the BB final she will still be referencing it in preference to discussing the matters at hand.
Originally posted by tupps:

The FM probably had some education and some of it may have been decent... but you can feel the bitterness dripping from every pseudo-intellectual post. I will wager whatever foray into academia, it was short-lived and pissed up the wall.

I think you are projecting there. All the bitterness is one way and not from me.
Originally posted by Flossie:
I wouldn't have mentioned it except for Tupps couldn't resist having a dig at me just before on my misspelling of sibling on a thread yesterday. I don't drag up irrelevant issues in a post but she seems incapable for whatever reason. I suspect that in future arguments over Noirin in the BB final she will still be referencing it in preference to discussing the matters at hand.

I see you are as blinkered to your own actions and defects of character as you are those of Noirin.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by tupps:

The FM probably had some education and some of it may have been decent... but you can feel the bitterness dripping from every pseudo-intellectual post. I will wager whatever foray into academia, it was short-lived and pissed up the wall.

I think you are projecting there. All the bitterness is one way and not from me.

I refer you to my previous post.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Flossie:
I wouldn't have mentioned it except for Tupps couldn't resist having a dig at me just before on my misspelling of sibling on a thread yesterday. I don't drag up irrelevant issues in a post but she seems incapable for whatever reason. I suspect that in future arguments over Noirin in the BB final she will still be referencing it in preference to discussing the matters at hand.

I see you are as blinkered to your own actions and defects of character as you are those of Noirin.

This attempt to deflect attention from your modus operandi isn't going to work.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Flossie:
I wouldn't have mentioned it except for Tupps couldn't resist having a dig at me just before on my misspelling of sibling on a thread yesterday. I don't drag up irrelevant issues in a post but she seems incapable for whatever reason. I suspect that in future arguments over Noirin in the BB final she will still be referencing it in preference to discussing the matters at hand.

I see you are as blinkered to your own actions and defects of character as you are those of Noirin.

This attempt to deflect attention from your modus operandi isn't going to work.

You seem antsy. You're posting and pulling.

You could always take a break: work off some steam in the garden.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Scotty:
I lost count of the times she said I and me.

And feck.

I went back and counted..15. How sad am I jenny? Laugh

Don't care but I love your little Scottie doggie. wavey

I thought it was puddycat Eeker wavey
Originally posted by tupps:
I have refrained from using this type of language when commenting on Noirin, but enough is enough...

..she is a Grade A, gold plated, cubic zirconia encrusted, lying, manipulating, controlling, egotistical, amoral, unholy, noxious ****ing BITCH.

Now come on Tupps, don't beat about the bush, say it like you really mean it. Big Grin
Border control does not allow people above a certain age who using childish spelling to leave the country on holiday.

I assume they refused Noirin a visa then..

"hi guys jst thought id set the record straight. First of all im living in Ireland at the moment ive been bac and fourth to visit isaac in cleveland to see him, second i like to party, but it was me that wanted to be in the relationship isaac was the party animal and all he wanted to do was party and thats all he still wants to do which leads me to my last thing . isaac doesn't kno wat he wants at the moment, i told him i love him and i was even willing to move to the US to be wit him but he didnt want that because he didnt want a girlfriend so there u go . were not together anymore, isaac is young and experincing so much in his life at the moment , he's enjoying every minute of it and if i come over and we start dating he might not be able to get the chance to do wat he needs to do . i really wish him the best of luck cause he's a cool guy. I guess its just the wrong time . bye any more questions just ask xxxxxxxx "

(post from Noirin at )
Originally posted by tupps:
I have refrained from using this type of language when commenting on Noirin, but enough is enough...

..she is a Grade A, gold plated, cubic zirconia encrusted, lying, manipulating, controlling, egotistical, amoral, unholy, noxious ****ing BITCH.

Thanks for that tupps - I don't think I've ever disliked any HM so much (she even beats Makosi imo at least she lived in a world of make believe Roll Eyes ) Noirin however, is just a vacuous, foul mouthed being that is so dangerous while simultaneously being pathetic and she thinks she's so big - I bet she has more boos than Sezer, (hopefully a bigger eviction vote too). Mad
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
Fascinating how infrequently she looked Isaac in the eye when she was talking, wasn't it?

It is very very very very simple, when she got onto the subject of her behaviour with Siavash she started to look guilty and avoided his gaze.

Other people on this forum randomly interpreted this as her lying, but she wasn't. These people clearly work on some girly-emotional-ignore-the-facts-but-watch-the-expressions type level.

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