Did you know that handbags are one of the main reasons we can get sick?
How many women take their handbags to a toilet and put it on the floor and then go back to say a table in a restaurant and put it on the table without thinking?
When someone comes to your house how often do they or you put their handbag on your kitchen table or worksurface?
Tests on the bottom of handbags have found major food poisoning organisms and bacteria.
I always hang my bag up if there is a hook.
How many women take their handbags to a toilet and put it on the floor and then go back to say a table in a restaurant and put it on the table without thinking?
When someone comes to your house how often do they or you put their handbag on your kitchen table or worksurface?
Tests on the bottom of handbags have found major food poisoning organisms and bacteria.
I always hang my bag up if there is a hook.