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Found this over on DS.

I found this part an interesting insight into the demonisation (sp?) of HMs by the edit...

"I met Kris recently for a spot of BBLB filming at Freddie's house and I discussed some of what I've said here with him. He saw what I meant and basically agreed with this. He also added that while he had clashed somewhat with Freddie in the house we did not as an audience get to see the odd one hour conversation where they chatted together quite happily. We did not, for example, see Freddie and Kris discussing Freddie's vision of establishing permaculture and boosting nutrition for children in Shropshire. As a couple of local boys, they agreed that something had to be done and Kris said he's looking forward to working with Freddie in the future and coming to his house for a party once the series is over."

Now I didn't like Kris at all but I especially dislike BB pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining.

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Originally posted by Mazzystar:
I know I've said this before,but BB just creates charicatures of the HMs and uses footage to reinforce them.Guess thats what Marcus was trying to get across last night,but looked like a muppet instead Laugh

But if they had footage of him eloquently making his point and footage of him looking like a muppet.. what footage do you think they'd choose to use ?
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
I know I've said this before,but BB just creates charicatures of the HMs and uses footage to reinforce them.Guess thats what Marcus was trying to get across last night,but looked like a muppet instead Laugh

But if they had footage of him eloquently making his point and footage of him looking like a muppet.. what footage do you think they'd choose to use ?

It depends what 'role' they see him as having in the house.They'd probably assigned him a Tim,nice but dim were keen to use footage of a bumbling idiot!
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Marcus is treating BB as the enemy. Time he learned about the softly softly catchee monkee tactic. Can't stand him, but understand what he's trying to do, he's just going about it in the worst way possible!

Yup, I agree. Shame, as he is really the first person to really try and take BB on. Although Victor showed signs of it, but in truth he was just a big pussycat wiv da sniffles innit. Big Grin
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
I know I've said this before,but BB just creates charicatures of the HMs and uses footage to reinforce them.Guess thats what Marcus was trying to get across last night,but looked like a muppet instead Laugh

But if they had footage of him eloquently making his point and footage of him looking like a muppet.. what footage do you think they'd choose to use ?

But, they did show Marcus giving them what for over the Sree and implied racism issue a few weeks ago in the DR.
Whether Freddie has a 'condition' or not, it's been very telling about the rest of them that they do not have a wide and varied knowledge of what makes an individual tick. In fact it shows the narrow mindedness and intolerance, and complete lack of empathy, from the shallow minded amongst them, to have put him up for eviction week after week, and assume he was the 'halfwit' BB (disgustingly) branded him as!
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Whether Freddie has a 'condition' or not, it's been very telling about the rest of them that they do not have a wide and varied knowledge of what makes an individual tick. In fact it shows the narrow mindedness and intolerance, and complete lack of empathy, from the shallow minded amongst them, to have put him up for eviction week after week, and assume he was the 'halfwit' BB (disgustingly) branded him as!

Clapping well said Tiddly Wink
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Whether Freddie has a 'condition' or not, it's been very telling about the rest of them that they do not have a wide and varied knowledge of what makes an individual tick. In fact it shows the narrow mindedness and intolerance, and complete lack of empathy, from the shallow minded amongst them, to have put him up for eviction week after week, and assume he was the 'halfwit' BB (disgustingly) branded him as!

Nod The fools!
Originally posted by mozart:
but even on Kris`s eviction interview and on BBBM he still insisted freddie was a knob. IMO Kris has seen and had a taste of what Freddies got, so decides he aint that bad after all.

Well you wont catch me defending the guy, I think he was a class A tosser regardless what anyone says (too conceited) but if the conversation in my OP took place, it does seem to indicate that BB edit to fit a narrative.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Time they gave him his name back. I'm really livid that after his magnanimous gesture to the 'queen of tarts' to remove the reason she couldn't be herself Roll Eyes yeah whatever....that he has been forced to put up with BB's cruel jibe against him for this length of time.

That IS a good point.

Either Noirin should still be drawing on the glasses and moustache OR.. Sophie and Freddie should no longer be called Dogface and Halfwit.

One or the other.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

That IS a good point.

Either Noirin should still be drawing on the glasses and moustache OR.. Sophie and Freddie should no longer be called Dogface and Halfwit.

One or the other.

It was never funny or particularly clever of BB to do this in the first place. It has served no purpose and is continuing to serve no purpose and it is about time BB gave them their names back.
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Time they gave him his name back. I'm really livid that after his magnanimous gesture to the 'queen of tarts' to remove the reason she couldn't be herself Roll Eyes yeah whatever....that he has been forced to put up with BB's cruel jibe against him for this length of time.

I feel the same as you!It really grates on me when BB or BBLB calls Freddie halfwit isn't name calling what bullies do? Shake HeadI feel the same about naming Sophie dogface too! Was it supposed to be funny! Confused If so it went right over my head! Frowner
Lisa, the chinese girl from Manchester who swore a lot (bb7 i think), is a friend of a friend. I met her not long after she left the show. I was gobsmacked at how pretty she was, cause on the show she looked a bit of a minger. Even though we had live feed back then, we were prey to BB editing. She was put me right on a lot of things. She said her VT was cut and edited from different stages of the audition process, and that they ask you a question and ask you to answer how you think another auditionee in your group would answer, the game playing apparently starts at auditions. She also said that Grace wasn't as bad as she was made out to be and Nikki was truly like a 5 year old child. Although she didn't like Lea, she said that she was a very maternal person and wasn't infatuated with Pete in the way the programme made it look. There just a few of the things I can remember but she told me loads of stuff. But she definately swore like a trooper.
Originally posted by shar69:
Lisa, the chinese girl from Manchester who swore a lot (bb7 i think), is a friend of a friend. I met her not long after she left the show. I was gobsmacked at how pretty she was, cause on the show she looked a bit of a minger. Even though we had live feed back then, we were prey to BB editing. She was put me right on a lot of things. She said her VT was cut and edited from different stages of the audition process, and that they ask you a question and ask you to answer how you think another auditionee in your group would answer, the game playing apparently starts at auditions. She also said that Grace wasn't as bad as she was made out to be and Nikki was truly like a 5 year old child. Although she didn't like Lea, she said that she was a very maternal person and wasn't infatuated with Pete in the way the programme made it look. There just a few of the things I can remember but she told me loads of stuff. But she definately swore like a trooper.

Interesting, thanks for sharing. Thumbs Up

She became a plumber didn't she ?

I like the fact she didn't depend on mag deals like most of them, led me to believe she was genuinely there for the experience, and perhaps the chance at winning the prize money.
Comrade Ogilvy

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